Solved: Organization Changes


For the final presentation, you will create a 10-to 12-slide presentation analyzing a real-world scenario when change was needed in an organization. Change refers to the act of replacing something or making it different. Change…

Solved: Discussion Post


Discussion Prompt: Part 1 Choose one of the threats to internal validity and provide an example. Part 2 Choose an intervention, for example, the CBT for depression. Design your evaluation plan by using experimental design, quasi-experimental design,…

Solved: Choose a company or product


Due Date: The recommended due date depends on the type of company or product you areinvestigating. Here are some examples:A Bank’s investment product - investigation focused on fossil fuel company investment - May 19A tourism…

Solved: Create a Poster


Develop a one-page academic poster or infographic to explain the scientific method as discussed in your textbook.  Your poster or infographic should include headings and a brief description of each step in the process. Posters…

Solved: Marketing Challenge Written Assignment


Choose a company that is facing a significant marketing challenge, such as declining sales, negative brand reputation, or strong competition. Your assignment is to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that addresses this challenge and helps…

Solved: dialectical movement


For this paper you will choose a specific location/place ( that is your favorite and explore how that place relates to what you believe about the world. You will practice dialectical movement in your writing…

Solved: Are We a Society of Sleepwalkers?


Write a two-paragraph journal entry (200 words) responding to the question below.  Your entry should share your philosophical perspective and also demonstrate your understanding of course concepts. QUESTION: Chaffee writes: "Socrates warned the citizens of…

Solved: Case Study Analysis


The Introduction should be one paragraph long and provide a brief case overview. The Analysis should be the heart of the case. This is where you respond to the questions posted in the content section.…