Marketing Design Innovation




Question: Discuss to what extent marketing innovation is important to developing and protecting a company’s strategic competitive advantage. Justify your views using a range of supporting evidence. Your work should have a brief introduction to the work, a discussion and a brief conclusion. Identification of theory and critical discussion of relevant literature. Response must have the following criteria: 1. Create an outline plan with objectives, discussion essay, process, positioning and market innovation, 2. Please use the how and why for each one. 3. Must demonstrate sound knowledge of marketing Innovation and strategic competitive advantage. 4. A clear discussion on the relative importance of marketing innovation and strategic competitive advantage. 5. Arguments must be well-supported. 6. A wide range of references drawn upon and correctly applied theory vs Intelligence gathering. 7. Sections flows well. 8. Must show all reference materials. Quotes from the following could be used where necessary: ●Arntz et al 2005 ●Perception, Sekeler, et al, 1995 ●Hana 2013 ●Tushman and Nadler 1986 ●Ranjit 2004 ●Hult et al (2004)

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