BAD exam




Name ______________________________________________

BADM 450 – Exam 2

PART I (50 points)

  1. What is the difference between a cost leadership business-level strategy and a focused cost leadership business-level strategy? (10 points)


  1. What is the difference between a differentiation business-level strategy and a focused differentiation business-level strategy? (5 points)


  1. What are two risks associated with using a cost leadership business-level strategy? (4 points) (a)___________________________________________________________________________


  1. What are two risks associated with using a focused differentiation business-level strategy? (4 points)



  1. What are two risks associated with using an integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategy? (4 points)



  1. What is a corporate-level strategy? (5 points)




  1. Can a firm use a corporate-level strategy and a business-level strategy simultaneously? Explain. (4 points)


  1. What are three reasons firms choose to diversify their operations? (6 points)

(a) ________________________________________________________________________

(b) ________________________________________________________________________

(c) ________________________________________________________________________

  1. What is vertical integration? (4 points) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. In what two ways can value be created with an unrelated diversification strategy. (4 points)



PART II (50 points)

Select one of the following cases and answer the following questions.

___ Starbucks    ____ Siemens   ___ Southwest Airlines


  1. What are three of the firm’s core competencies? (6 points) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. Which two of the firm’s core competencies are likely to provide the firm with a sustainable competitive advantages? Why? (10 points)



  1. What is an industry? (4 points) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. What industry is this company a part of? (5 points) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. How would you use the Standard Industrial Classification System (SIC) or the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) to evaluate this industry? (5 points)



  1. Use Porter’s five to evaluate the attractiveness of this industry? (10 points)
Assign a value to rate the importance of each of Porter’s five forces to this industry on a 1 (not important) to 5 (very important) scale.  Then assign a value to reflect the threat that each force poses as a threat to the industry on a scale of 1 (low threat) to 5 (high threat).


What is minimum score?  _______

What is maximum score?  _______

What is the attractiveness score for this industry?  _______

Show calculations in table below.



Porter’s  Five Forces Importance (1-5)

(1 = not important, …

5 = very important)

Threat(s) to Industry (1-5) (1 = Low,  3 = Medium, 5 = High) Weighted



Total   _____





  1. What other forces in the general external environment might have impacted the attractiveness of the industry? (10 points)




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