Role of Dred Scott vs. Sanford in the Civil War




Thesis Review Assignment


The thesis review asks you the student to critically review a thesis.


  1. The thesis is located at:


  1. Please read all five of Lisa Cozzens’ sections, “A Hard Shove for a “Nation on the Brink”: The Impact of Dred Scott”.
  2. In a 2 page paper – address the following:
  3. What is the scope of the paper? (Where does the paper start and stop? What does it cover?)
  4. State the author’s (thesis) question. (What question is the author trying to answer? What is the author’s purpose in writing the paper?)
  5. What is the author’s thesis statement? (What does the author conclude about the issue presented? This is a one sentence summary (usually) or the “answer” to the author’s basic question. It is the end result of the author¿s analysis of the evidence presented.)
  6. Then in the rest of the paper, as you summarize the contents of the thesis, analyze how and how well or how poorly the author supports her argument.
  7. Items a, b, and c should appear in the first paragraph.
  8. The remained of the paper should focus on item d.

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