Event two




write about an event that i attended in uni which is virgina common wealth it was held in the attrium


the speaker was laurence abu hamdan

it was held on the 2nd of april


i will be adding notes that i took and links that will helo u write the summary


Bird watching

  • Multi dispeinary
  • Audio investigation ]doumanrty and forensic
  • Evidence for defence
  • Phd 2017 gold smith London
  • Arthur of a book
  • Exhibited whidley
  • Solo exhibition London Beirut cairo la
  • Moma gogienghiem
  • Screening new film once removed
  • A gap of new work and the work he has been working over the past three years
  • Connect to his practice
  • What can consisture testomany
  • News and advocity
  • Belibve that art is claim making and truth production
  • Law and science dervies the truth
  • Art can produce truth
  • Use it and make claims that can not be heard
  • Diffuclt times one of them often hear people art is about asking q its not its about making claims
  • Open ended redundant thing that always push into the back
  • Process of makin claims
  • Understand what is it and how it operates
  • Art is only political when it leaves the gallery
  • How space of art can be a place where u can experemint what a claim is and what testomany can be
  • Speak about – project conflicted founems
  • Series of non geographical maps
  • All over eupore
  • Accent test given from the place they say they are from
  • Lying about their identity
  • Caliming to be from somewhere else
  • Point is the countries thatgrant asylyim refueges
  • Safe zones places safe to come from and stay
  • Iraq divided into many safe and unsafe zones
  • They had been in diggrent context some rejected some accepted some waiting
  • Ridciuclous as a a process because what is some don’t have a birth certificate
  • Result of this test
  • Unscientific use of the voice was
  • Company used in Sweden over the phone interview contex use Arabic speakibg but not the same country
  • But not mention
  • Not understood
  • Banadora bandoora lebesnasse
  • Small phonons
  • Repornt by non lingusts
  • Sent to a line manger linguist
  • Makes in into and clean it and sent it
  • Doing this work that should be a work with a voice
  • With no record
  • Possibility sometimes it is not clear
  • They do not know how they will be heard when they speak
  • A weaponiz`ation of free speech
  • Forcing them to speak without them understanding how they will be heard
  • Unscientific system of anyziz
  • Large blue map series of event they lived through in their lifes
  • Effected areas
  • Northen and south
  • 1972 somali language
  • 1974 douce intergtrtaion
  • huge migrations over the years
  • a network more than a birth certificate
  • network socially constructed artifact
  • heard is evidence is their right to asylum and refuge
  • iregularty and stange artifact inmprove assyulum instead of rejection
  • ideia of the accent is a network
  • different project work he did with amens international architecture
  • north of Damascus
  • ear whitness testomany
  • never saw they place they held
  • one room
  • in and out blind fold
  • on going thing response of regime in 2011 no international observes can go and see
  • only the ones that were realesed made way for others
  • hunger
  • darkness
  • register what happened inside the prison
  • satlite image the closest u can see
  • rended it in 3d
  • more or less the internal and externall
  • prison rade tracing software








we watched a screening film which is “once removed” laurence abu hamdan


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