Research paper on an educational topic.




Research Paper Assignment

Your research paper should include the following sections:

 Section I Introduction

 Section II Problem Analysis

 Section III Solution

 Section IV Benefits

 Section V Conclusion


The length of this document is about 3-4 pages, including the title page and References. The

minimum reference sources for this research paper is five. You should include at least one of

your sources from the articles provided.

Read below for further details.


Start with the attention-grabbing story: Capture your readers’ attention right away with

a detailed story, an anecdote about the problem, or another technique. You will explain that if

this happened, there must be a problem that should be solved.

Identify the topic: This idea lets your readers know what your paper is about in general

terms. Express the purpose: This idea allows readers to understand the purpose of your paper.

Establish your credibility: You may have some experience with this topic, and this is your

opportunity to tell about it briefly. You may not be an expert, but you have included the ideas

of experts in your paper; identify two or three standout sources that lend credibility to the


Emphasize why the topic is important: Few readers will care about a topic unless you

make them care. Briefly identify effects and indirect effects that you will develop in the second

section. End with your thesis statement. Be clear and concise about your solution and why it

will succeed; start with your solution and then identify reasons for why it will work.

Problem Analysis

Problem Analysis: This section details the history, causes, and effects of the problem.

Offer background information: Historical or background information will put your topic into a

broader context. You will detail how and when the problem began and continued to be a


Detail causes of the problem: You will identify, explain, and support with research the

causes of the problem.

Explain effects of the problem: The negative effects of the problem, including indirect

effects, will be explained using research.


Continue with Section III, where you will identify and describe your plan to solve the

problem that you previously discussed in Section II. You will also explain why your solution will

work better than other ones, and what distinguishes it from others.

Name your solution and why it will be successful: Your solution should have a catchy

name and include two to three reasons why it will be successful.

Also, in this section and section V, you must prove the ideas put forth in your thesis statement,

which was the statement of what your plan is and why it is the best solution.

Distinguish your solution: Your solution should be unique, so here’s your opportunity to

explain what sets it apart from other equally good solutions. What is missing from other

solutions, and what makes your solution the better option? Some solutions may be untested

just as yours is, and you will argue why these other untested solutions won’t work as well as

yours will. Essentially you must argue that your solution is the best solution compared to what

is currently being done about the problem, as well as what others have suggested in solving it.

The only conclusion that the reader will have is that your solution is the only one that anyone

should consider, as all other possibilities have been eliminated as viable. Please note that you

are advancing your unique solution to the problem. This solution may be partly based on what

someone else has proposed, but if so, you must document and cite their solution. Do not feel

compelled to propose certain solutions just because research exists for them. Very often the

problem still exists because the solution being enacted to solve it is simply not working, and

nobody is willing to admit it.

Major steps in operationalizing your solution: Identify the major steps that must be

taken so that your solution can be implemented. The major steps may also include minor steps,

so be sure to include those as well. This part is the nuts and bolts of your plan: what person or

entity would be in charge of implementing the solution, what is their expertise, where are they

to be located, when exactly will they begin, and so on.

Summarize the deliverables: This section ends with your explanation of what

deliverables can be expected when the solution is implemented.


For Section IV, or Benefits, detail how the solution will bring about benefits. In your

paper pitch, you briefly outlined the benefits of your plan, why the investment is worthwhile,

and the materials or resources needed to start. In this section of your draft, you will expand on

these ideas, specifically organizing your paper according to the aspects detailed below.

Offer a costs/benefits analysis: In this part, you will prove to the reader that your plan is

worthwhile in terms of time, energy, money, or a combination of these three. A chart or graph

will show clearly that these benefits outweigh any costs.

Identify necessary materials or resources: Include the materials and/or resources that

are needed to make your solution a successful reality. Look back at the previous section,

Section III, for your major steps in operationalizing your solution. Determine what is needed if

these steps are to be followed. You don’t know yet what will be needed in the long term; at

least in the short term or to get started, identify the materials and resources needed.


The final section of the paper is the conclusion. This is not the area just to repeat earlier

information. It will be two paragraphs in length. End with memorable ideas and details,

including a call to action, that sell the solution to the reader.

Works Cited

Put your sources cited in-text above here in alphabetical order, starting with the first line flush

left and hanging indent of the second and each subsequent line. Each in-text citation

should have a corresponding reference entry here.

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