




You may choose any topic that we have covered in class (PowerPoints or discussion) or is in your book.  If you are unsure, please ask me.  Some ideas are listed below; remember you are not limited to this list.

  • The theory of evolution and why it is controversial
  • Genetic manipulation
  • Choosing a baby’s gender or other characteristics or making a “superhuman”
  • Screening for deadly diseases like breast cancer
  • Identifying genes that can help or hurt like Delta 32
  • Cloning
  • Darwinism
  • Treatment and/or study of Primates, primate testing, should we?
  • Debates about ancient hominid skeletons, validity, age, what are they?
  • The use of anthropology around the world, malaria, conflict areas


Once you have your topic, pull 10 current sources about your topic (within 5 years is preferable but older is OK if the topic is older).  This can be anything relevant including videos, movies, Official journals and books and magazines.  Please don’t use Wikipedia as a primary source, it is often incorrect.  Some ideas for sources of articles are:

  • Internet news articles, NBC, FOX, ABC, Houston Chronicle, etc.
  • JSTOR peer reviewed journal articles
  • Magazines like Nature, National Geographic, etc.


When you have your sources, create an annotated bibliography for them – if you are unfamiliar with this technique, please ask me, but in essence it is a regular bibliography that includes a summary of the article in addition to the specific source info. I have put some examples in this module for you.

For each article, I need the citation using any standard citing methods like APA or MLA and a summary paragraph or two (depends on length of article) – this is the annotation.  I do not need a copy of your article, your citation should be clear enough that I can look up the article.  For videos and online sources, you can paste and copy a URL instead of the citation but you must still annotate.


Once you have read your articles and annotated them, write a 2 to 3 page double spaced, 12 point font summary paper giving your conclusions and opinion on the topic that you chose. There is no right or wrong opinion, but you must have an educated opinion based on the articles that you read.  You should refer to your articles, but don’t cut and paste large amounts from your articles to make your paper longer, small quotes are OK if you are making a point.  The best papers are those where you clearly state your opinion – I have examples in the module online.

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