Thomas Hobbes




Is Thomas Hobbes an ancient, medieval, or modern philosopher?

of Leviathan, Hobbes claims that all men are equal. What does he mean by

How does equality lead to a “state of war”?

Describe in great detail the state of war, also known as the state of nature.

Define psychological egoism.

Develop some arguments for psychological egoism and some objections to those arguments.

Develop some arguments against psychological egoism and objections to those arguments.

** Define ethical egoism.


Develop an argument for ethical egoism.

Develop some arguments against ethical egoism.

Is David Hume an ancient, medieval, or modern philosopher?

Describe some of Hume’s criticisms of psychological egoism in “Self-Love.”

Define rationalism.

Define empiricism.

Is Descartes a rationalist or an empiricist? Explain.

Describe some features of the Cartesian self.

Describe Hume’s negative thesis regarding the self.

What support does Hume offer for this negative thesis?

Describe Hume’s positive thesis regarding the self.

Why is free will important?

Define free will or the liberty of indifference. Give examples of this kind of free will.

Define determinism.

Why do some philosophers believe that determinism is incompatible with free will?

Develop a Frankfurt case. What is this case supposed to show?

Define Humean free will, also known as the liberty of spontaneity.

Would Hume believe that the agent in a Frankfurt case has free will? Explain.

Define indeterminism.

Why do some philosophers such as Hume believe that indeterminism is actually a threat to free will understood as the liberty of indifference?



please defined your answer and give example , don’t use google ansewer?

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