Impact of Social Media on Relationships




We are now facing new communication and, particularly, social media technologies whose effects we do not yet know. You have likely already felt the impact of increasing communication technologies in your own life. Answer the following questions:

  1. How have your relationships developed differently via use of social media, such as Facebook? What are the benefits of Facebook and other social media tools for relationship management? What are the drawbacks?
  2. What impact does Facebook have on self-disclosure? How does increased or decreased self-disclosure impact your relationships with those on Facebook?

Given that Facebook is largely image-driven, what impact does Facebook have on your perception of the way that others live their lives? Do you perceive others as relating to you in the same way as before? Or do you believe others’ lives are very different than yours?

Read the discussion board question carefully and prepare a 250 word response to the weekly DB question. Pay particular attention to the specified word count for posts; this is a 250 word response that fully addresses all of the questions asked in the forum. Your original post is due by 6 P.M. EST 3 days after it is assigned the week it is assigned.  Replies to the posts of two different classmates are due by the beginning of class as specified on your course calendar; please refer to this document under the Syllabus tab.  Remember that to receive full credit, your post must be substantial in that it contributes to the discussion and meets the specified 250 words required for all posts.  Your 2 replies must be 6-7 full sentences long and expand beyond the response of, “I agree.” 

Be aware that spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalization count; this is college and college-level writing is required. Be certain to run spell-check; then proofread your post prior to submission as spell–check doesn’t catch everything. It is possible to receive a non-passing grade if your thoughts are unclear and/or indecipherable and contain numerous errors.

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