McDonalds (Global environment)




Course Objective:

Students will become familiarized with theories and approaches to various business environments (Domestic, Global, Technological, Political-Legal, Sociocultural, and Economic)

Students will evaluate the business environments of a company identified as a worst company to learn why it is not successful.


Continue working with your chosen “worst” company for the assignments and complete the following:

Identify the industry for your chosen company and its Domestic Environment.Identify a Global Environment for the company (an international country for the company).

What are the characteristics of the new Global Country/Environment that will best suit the company for success?

What barriers exist in the new Global Country/Environment? You cannot state there are no barriers.

How will the company overcome those barriers (strategies)?


Write a section of the final paper that details the items above.

Research requirement: minimum 2 scholarly sources PLUS something from your readings.

Page requirement: 2-3 pages in APA format.

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