Evidence-based practice (EBP)




Assignment Guidelines: Pick and list your topic of interest for your EBP proposal Choose a nursing article (current within 5 years) that is relevant to the topic you have chosen in step 2 and answer each one of the following questions -Is this a quantitative or qualitative research article? -What are the problem and purpose of the research article? -What are the hypotheses or research questions/objectives of the study? Now that you have reviewed the nursing research article please formulate your own research question or problem statement using the PICOT format Using PICOT: Population Intervention or Interest Control Outcome Timeline here is an example for the author of PICOT question P: In patients with sepsis induced stress-hyperglycemia I: how does glycemic control for patients without diabetes C: compared to those with diabetes O: affect mortality outcomes example of topics: § Nursing Students Stress Levels Effect Test Scores § Curative versus Preventive Care: Can insurance change the face of healthcare? § Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence in the Women’s Health Clinics at the Kings County Hospital Center § Meditation Effects on Mental Health Status § Math Anxiety and Self Efficacy in Associate Degree Nursing Students § Healthy & Happy: Evidenced Based Scholarly Paper § Central Venous Access and Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter Occlusions § Protocol Development Proposal § Compassion Fatigue Proposal § Alternative and Adjunctive Pain Management in Cancer Patients Please do not use these. these are just examples

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