Assess Folk Wisdom




Select one of the following proverbs reviewed by Epstein (1997) and write a paper utilizing one of the following proverbs/sayings: •You only live once. •Absence makes the heart grow fonder. •All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. •Boys will be boys. •Spare the rod and spoil the child. •Early to bed, and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Next, determine what social behavior or types of behavior are addressed in the proverb. For example, Epstein (1997, p. 76) presents the proverb: Two heads are better than one, noting “Teams or groups typically produce better solutions than individuals do.” So some possible behaviors examined in social psychology that might be applicable here might be groupthink or teamwork. Utilize the peer-reviewed journal article attached that reports findings of a psychological study that examine behavior that is relevant to the saying or proverb. Consider whether or not the research results support the accuracy of the proverb. Remember, proverbs and folk wisdom are meant to illustrate truths. The question that you need to answer is whether or not these proverbs are in fact true or supported by the research? Critically evaluate the evidence within the research study to reach some sort of conclusion. Finally, conclude with a brief assessment regarding the implications that might exist for individuals who rely on these types of sayings or folk wisdom to guide their thoughts and actions. What would you recommend as a general overall takeaway after reading the materials and engaging in this week’s discussion? How has your thinking about these types of sayings or adages changed because of your course work this week? 5 page paper

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