Reacting to representations
This week’s online exercise involves learning about implicit bias and taking Harvard’s Implicit Association Test.
You should complete the assignment in three parts.
1) I want you to start this week’s assignment by listening to this NPR story about the idea of implicit bias. Next, read this second NPR story and listen to the accompanying audio. Finally, I want you to read the advice column “White Skin, Black Emojis?”
2) Now, that you know more about the concept of implicit bias and the way it can present itself in society, I want you to take two Implicit Association Tests: those labeled “Race IAT” and “Gender-Career IAT.” Harvard scientists created the IAT to judge conscious versus unconscious judgments.
Why study one’s own perceptions? Because willingness and ability to judge one’s perceptions accurately are sometimes at odds. For example: A four-pack-daily smoker may report smoking only two. Why?
◦Unwilling to answer accurately due to embarrassment
◦Unable to answer accurately due to true belief that he/she smokes only two packs per day
How IATs work:
◦A series of facial images of people featuring different characteristics is presented with words with “good” or “bad” qualities.
◦Based on reactions and timed responses, the test supposedly reveals your unconscious association with different identities.
◦These associations, while often not recognized explicitly for one of the above reasons, reflect implicit judgments that exist within all of us.
3) After digesting this week’s readings and taking both tests, you should post responses to the following questions.
Questions to be answered
Did the NPR stories you listened to change your views on bias? If so, how?
Does using emojis designed to represent a specific race make you uncomfortable? Why or why not?
Can you think of a situation where it would be appropriate to use an emoji with a different skin tone than your own … or will this always be seen as problematic?
Let me know the results of your IATs and tell me if you beliece they are accurate? Explain why or why not?
To what extent do you believe exposure to popular culture, in all its forms, has impacted your perspective on the associations queried? Provide at least one example of popular culture that affected (or failed to affect) your perspective in your response.
(Optional) Do you believe the IAT methodology is valid? Why or why not?
NOTE: To satisfactorily complete this assignment, your response should be at least 400 words. Please mention the results of your IATs, so that I know you took both. If you do not mention your results, you will not receive full credit.
This is the NPR story about idea of implicit bias
This is the second story
This is the emojis
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