Critical thinking discussion based on 2 readings chapter 1_4


For each of the book chapters (Huff and Browne/Keeley) you read this week, answer ONE of the following questions – at least 100 words each question.

TIP: Print out these questions and review them before you read so you can reflect on the questions while you’re reading and don’t have to do too much extra work!

Please don’t summarize what you read/what the chapter says – I’ve read the chapters so I know what they say. I want to know what YOU think about what you read.

Pose a question about something that was unclear from the reading.

Identify one important thing you learned from the chapter.

Given an example from real life related to something from the reading.

Explain why you believe that a concept, research finding, theory, or idea from the reading is important?

Talk about something from the reading that surprised you.

FOR EXAMPLE, if you had to read 5 chapters, you would answer 1 question for each (for a total of 5).

Your post should have headings like below. I have one reflection for each chapter and I can choose any of the 5 questions to answer.

Chapter 1, Question 3

Chapter 2, Question 5

Chapter 3, Question 5

Chapter 4, Question 1

Chapter 5, Question 2

Another week, you might have

Chapter 6, Question 1

Chapter 7, Question 1

Chapter 8, Question 1


It’s up to you!

3:09 PM


1. Browne, M. & Keeley, S. (2018). Asking the right questions: A guide to critical thinking. (12th ed.)

2. Huff, D. (1983). How to lie with statistics. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company

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