How video games affect academic performance?




Paper instructions:
its more like a Poster than an essay im going to post the template and how i need it the template explains how its going to be presented and i will post the survey link below

This is the survey link

1. Title;

2. Students names with IDs; Name of the course;

3. Abstract (concise summary of the poster, 3-5 sentences outlining research question/aims;methods and conclusions).

4. Introduction (re-worked and edited in-class written assessment)

5. Methods. Detailed description of how the project was conducted: indicate ifprimary or secondary data were used; Survey Questionnaires and/or Interviews or Experiment.

If this is an experiment,fill out the attached Experiment Method Table and place it in the Method section of your poster.

If this is a survey, fill out the attached Survey/Interview Method Tableand place it in the Method section of your poster.

If this is an exploratory/observational study (when you record information without setting and conditions, for example – counting calories lost per exercise; or plastic bottles/caps per day) fill out a table for exploratory/observational study.

You can also includethe list of questions and consent form is you used it in a separate Appendix to your poster.

6. Results (2-4selected graphs from Survey Monkey; or make excel graphs with experimental results.Use attached examples of excel files as your guide to plot your data. The graphs should correspond to the data in the Data File, which is submitted prior to the poster. Interviews summarised in a Table; Response rate calculated. Demographics described in words or small Table). Briefly analyse your results using logic or descriptive stats and % if needed.

7. Discussion. if possible discuss the results in the context of background research from the Introduction. If not possible – skip to Conclusions. A-level posters should include Discussion.

8. Conclusions – 3-4 sentences outlining most important findings of you work.

9. References. At least 2 references in APA style, 3 references for A grade. References should be citedin Introduction and Discussion.

You can submit your references as an Appendix (on the second slide of a ppt) if there is not enough space on your poster.

10. Appendices (optional). You can supply additional information in Appendices (additional slide in ppt): all your questions from the survey; references (if there is no space on your poster)

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