Natural hazards




Paper instructions:
Your assignment should be approximately 500-600 words and will be submitted to the corresponding assignment submission page in Canvas. The assignment must be in paragraph form and complete sentences with proper capitalization and punctuation. This assignment should not be a summary of the readings but your critical perspective – thoughts and questions on the readings. You may include additional readings from peer-reviewed journals from outside the syllabus.

Some of the questions you should be asking yourself:

Did the authors find a relationship, show a trend, or demonstrate a new method?
Did they synthesize literature around a topic in a review?
Did they put forward a new conceptual framework?
Did they make any unsubstantial claims or conclusions?
Were the methods appropriate or did they use flawed assumptions about data or approaches?
Did the authors convince you of their interpretation of the results? Or do you disagree with their interpretation?
Were the figures and tables easily understandable, or were they confusing or inappropriate for what they were trying to visualize?
Do you agree with their implications, applications, and/or conclusions?
Can you apply this to your prior education or career experiences (and vice versa)?
please use this reference and i want it only for chapter 6,7,8 only

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