Land and infrastructure development


Today is seminar we discussed several examples of low impact development (LID) approaches
for managing stormwater within an urban environment in a more sustainable manner.
Please select one of the LID approaches presented today in class and conduct research to find a
real-life example of where this has been implemented.
Your single page paper should discuss the following:

  • The location of the site / project
  • Details of the project / development
  • How to monitor success of the approach
  • An additional LID treatment that would enhance the overall outcome of the SWM at the
    site (remember the treatment train)
    This write up should be neatly structured in an essay style paper (sentences and paragraphs).
    Maximum 1 page for the writeup.
    On a 2nd page please include a map or supporting photos of your development/site. You could
    use Google Maps or LIO Make-a-Map for this.
    Your site can be anywhere in the world – you can visit a local project or rely on Google Maps

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