Enhancing Patient Care through Evidence-Based Nursing Interventions and Effective MDTworking: A Person-centred Care Plan and Critical discussion


Assignment Task

  1. Produce a person-centred care plan to address the needs of the patient in the Case Study (LO 1
    and 3)
  2. Write a 2000 word critical essay addressing the assignment title (LO 2 and 4)
    Aim of the Assignment
  3. The Care Plan (1000 words)
    Select an episode of care from the co-produced case study and apply your knowledge and understanding
    of the principles of assessment and systematic nursing diagnosis to produce a holistic person-centred care
    The care plan should identify the patient’s health needs, problems and goals and identify nursing
    interventions that will address them. The care plan should include detail of how you will evaluate the
    effectiveness of care.
  4. The Essay (2000 words)
    Produce an evidence-based, critical discussion which further explores your patient’s care needs and at
    least two proposed nursing interventions.
    You will use evidence from academic and professional sources to provide a justification for your
    interventions and how they will be evaluated.
    The essay should also consider the role of others in the provision of person-centred care such as the
    patient, their family, other agencies, and members of the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT).
    These two assessment tasks will demonstrate your learning from this module and provide you with an
    opportunity to show that you can devise safe and effective care plans based on a sound evidence base.
    You will also show the clinical skill of care planning and your understanding of working within an
    effective MDT.
    Assessment Planning
    ‘Failing to plan, is planning to fail’
    Please access the UW Study Skills resources to help you prepare for writing your assignment. An essay
    planning template is also available on Blackboard.
    1 – The Care Plan
    Here is some general guidance for designing a care plan. Present your care plan in a table format, you
    may wish to use the following as headings or sections on your care plan template.
  5. Assessment: This should identify the patient’s health needs, problems, and goals. It involves
    collecting information or data from the patient, family members, and healthcare team. This may
    include a physical assessment, review of medical and social history and other diagnostic tests.
    (This part will be available within your case study)
  6. Diagnosis: Analyse the patient’s data and identify actual or potential nursing diagnoses.
  7. Planning: Develop a plan of care based on the nursing diagnoses identified in the assessment. This
    plan should include patient-centred goals, interventions and expected outcomes. Goals should be
    specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). (LO 1)
  8. Implementation: Implement the interventions identified in the care plan. This may include
    administering medications, providing patient education, performing nursing procedures and
    collaborating with other healthcare professionals.
  9. Evaluation: Evaluate the effectiveness of the care plan by comparing the patient’s progress to the
    goals and expected outcomes. Document the patient’s response to the interventions and revise the
    care plan as needed. (LO 3)
    Here is a general format for documenting a nursing care plan:
  • Patient Information: Name, age, sex, medical history, current diagnosis, and other relevant
  • Nursing Diagnosis
  • Goals and Expected Outcomes: State the patient-centred goals and expected outcomes for the
    nursing diagnosis.
  • Interventions: Describe the nursing interventions that will be implemented to achieve the goals and
    expected outcomes.
  • Evaluation: Document the patient’s response to the interventions and evaluate the effectiveness of
    the care plan.
  • Revision: Revise the care plan as needed based on the patient’s progress and response to
    It’s important to remember that this is just a general template, and the specific format of your nursing care
    plan may vary on your individual patient needs.
    Part 2 – Essay
    Enhancing Patient Care through Evidence-Based Nursing Interventions and Effective
    Multidisciplinary Team working: A Critical discussion
    This essay will critically explore and justify at least two nursing interventions identified in your care
    plan. You will also discuss provision of the care in the context of an effective multidisciplinary team.
    A suggested layout is provided below:
  • Your essay should have a clear, organised structure. Each section should present your ideas in a way that
    the reader can understand, follow, and be convinced by your arguments. You should support your
    report with robust evidence cited throughout in Harvard (University of Worcester) style.
    This section will introduce the aim of your essay and provide an overview of what your reader should
    expect. You may introduce the nursing process or define and explain care planning. Introduce your case
    study with a very brief overview of your patient remembering not to recount the whole case. You can
    place the patient scenario as an appendix. Begin with a brief overview of the importance of patient care
    and the role of evidence-based nursing interventions and multidisciplinary teamwork in enhancing it.
    Provide some background information on the topic and explain why it is important to critically discuss
    these issues. Identify the nursing interventions you plan to discuss.
    Rationale for Care Planning and Evidence based interventions
    This section will explore the need for planning patient care to ensure it is person-centred, safe and
    Hint: Use our Key Text and Resource List.
    You can discuss the concept of evidence-based practice and its importance in nursing. Provide one or two
    examples of evidence-based nursing interventions that have been shown to enhance patient care, such as
    the use of care bundles, patient education, and early intervention strategies.
    Evidence based Nursing Interventions
    In this section provide an academic argument and justification for each of your identified nursing
    interventions. Use literature from guidelines, publications, primary research articles to justify the
    intervention. The ‘why we are doing it?’.
    You can also critically analyse the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen nursing interventions in
    enhancing patient care. Discuss the challenges and barriers to implementing evidence-based nursing
    interventions in practice. Can you identify any strategies to overcome those challenges?
    You may wish to discuss any ethical, legal, or social issues that may arise from the implementation of
    these approaches. Consider the implications of these issues for nursing practice and patient outcomes.
    Multidisciplinary teamwork
    In this section, you can discuss the importance of effective teamwork in healthcare and the benefits of a
    multidisciplinary approach to patient care. What does national policy and government guidance say about
    integrated care delivery? Provide examples of how nurses work collaboratively with other healthcare
    professionals and their families to enhance patient care. Discuss the challenges and barriers to effective
    multidisciplinary teamwork in healthcare.
    Can you make the link between evidence-based nursing interventions and multidisciplinary teamwork? In
    this section, you can also discuss how evidence-based nursing interventions and effective
    multidisciplinary teamwork are interrelated.
    Summarise the key points of the essay and provide some recommendations for enhancing patient care
    through evidence-based nursing interventions and effective multidisciplinary teamwork. Highlight the
    importance of ongoing research and evaluation in these areas to ensure that patient care continues to
    improve over time.
    No new information should be introduced here.
    Presentation of your work All submitted work should have:
  • An appropriate font and size (eg Arial 12) which is legible.
  • Headings in bold
  • References in Harvard style
  • Reference lists should be presented in alphabetical order
  • Appendices, if used, should be in alphabetical order or numeric order (eg. Appendix A, B, C or 1, 2, 3)
  • Numbered pages
  • UW Student number on each page in footer or header
    Academic Convention
    Assignments should be supported by primary sources where possible. Use references from a range of
    appropriate academic and professional literature. If textbooks are used, they should be the most recent
    edition available. A complete reference list should be included at the end of the assignment or
    presentation slides.
    Your reading should be wider than the resource list so that your work represents your interpretation of
    many sources you have read and how they relate to your patient scenario and nursing practice.
    Quotes do not demonstrate your understanding of concepts and should only be used when paraphrasing
    might alter meaning (for example a definition). If quotes are used, they should support your discussion
    rather than be stated alone. Paraphrasing and synthesis of ideas is of greater academic value. Quotes
    longer than 3 or 4 lines should be rarely used, and if they are included, they must be indented and singlespaced.
    Harvard referencing guidance can be accessed at:
    The word count does not include reference lists or appendices but does include in-text citations.
    Work will only be marked up to the 10% excess point. This means if you write over 3,300 words, words
    after that will not be marked.
    For late submissions and mitigating circumstances, please refer to your course handbook – it is important
    that you understand the University regulations around submission of assignments.
    Confidentiality Confidentiality must be maintained. In compliance with the Data Protection Act (2018) and the
    Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2018), this assignment must not contain any information that
    could identify patients, staff, placements or localities in either the main text or appendices. Further
    information about the Confidentiality Policy can be found in your course handbook or you can access it
    Referencing Trust
    If a particular Trust policy is an integral part of your work, how you reference it will depend on whether it
    is publicly available or not. Please seek advice from the academic librarians on how to reference
    If the policy is publicly available on the World Wide Web, then it is acceptable to reference it by
    including the name of the Trust as the author.
    You should also ensure that you adhere to any other University of Worcester Harvard referencing
    guidance within your module and course handbooks.
    Late submission and
    Mitigating circumstances
    For late submissions and mitigating circumstances please refer to your course handbook.
    If you submit coursework late but within 7 days (one week) of the due date you will have your work
    marked but the grade will be capped at D- (recorded as L1 grade on SOLE). All assignments submitted
    later than 7 days (one week) will not be marked and a grade L2 will be recorded.
    You are expected to submit all assignments by the due date. If you have mitigating circumstances
    preventing you from meeting the due date you should submit a claim within 7 days of the due date. You
    will be expected to provide evidence to support the claim which covers the period immediately leading up
    to the assessment.
  • You must submit all items of assessment for a module in order to pass.
  • If you do not submit an item of assessment, you will automatically fail the module regardless of any
    overall mark achieved.
    Please liaise with the module lead in advance if there are any issues pertaining to this.
    Support for your
    Formative sessions are incorporated throughout the timetable in the form on workshops. Individual
    assignment tutorials will not normally be available. Please use Ask the Team for any queries related to the
    module and assignment.

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