Solved: Clinical Case Documentation


NOTE: You must follow the example given….. All information you put in the process recording section must come from the video. Do not make up you own statements. Your analysis must be factual. 


Clinical Case Documentary of Nancy Ross

Clinical Practice Case 3: The Wounds We Cannot See – Nancy Ross  Due: April 2th    

Using the clinical interview documentary of Nancy Ross: The Wounds We Cannot See: 

I.      Please write a clear, concise, clinically sound documentation of Nancy describing her story, experiences, presenting dysfunctions and symptoms using evidence-based practice.   

II.    Then write an evidence-based practice clinical assessment of Nancy and draw some clinical conclusions about what you learned and took away from her case.  

III.  Then propose a therapeutic approach or intervention you might use for Nancy and why.  

You have been practicing process recordings now I want to see how well you are developing the competency by writing a clinical summary process from your own notes. The summary process you are submitting will give me a sense of how well you are doing with your process recording techniques even if you do not submit it. 

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