The Case Study a newly promoted officer is assigned to a very busy engine company and on first day, is
greeted by an energetic crew of firefighters who seem pleased with their new officer. In reviewing
personnel files and contacting previous officer, the new officer has acquired some background
information on the crew and is assured that they are aggressive firefighters who know how to put out a
fire out. Before the morning coffee is finished, the company is dispatched to a reported fire in a single-
family dwelling. The Officer did not get a chance to explain any expectations or preferred procedures for
emergency incidents and assumed that the crew would follow department SOPs. When the company
arrives, it is clear that this is a working fire. Because it is a daytime incident, the officer is relatively
confident that the dwelling is unoccupied. Before the officer can make a brief size up, the crew goes into
action. Two firefighters pull the 150-ft, 1.75-in hose line and extend it to the side door(the fire can be
seen coming out the windows near this door). Before the officer can join the two firefighters extending
the hose line, they have forced the door and entered the house. When the officer catches up, one of the
firefighters has gone off on his own to search for victims. the fire was confined to a room and its content
and is extinguished using a few gallons of water. After the fire, the two firefighters discuss with pride
their ability to get in fast and put the fire out before anyone else can arrive on scene. Discussion
questions 1. Describe any potential disciplinary problems in reference to safety or SOPs that would be
apparent in department 2. Discuss your own personal thoughts about the situation. 3. In a similar
situation, how would you instruct your crew in their actions during emergency operations? be specific.
The Essay should incorporate the answers to those questions and be a 5 paragraph essay with
introduction and conclusion. At end of introduction should be a thesis statement with the 3 topics then
each paragraph can be the answer to the discussion questions.
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