A. Make all the corrections and revisions as guided by the Writing Center for the writing assignment from Lessons 1-4 and resubmit them to the Writing Center for feedback as needed.

B. Please describe:

The personal strengths you have discovered through your internship experience.

The initial goals for the internship. What additional goals evolved as the internship progressed?

Is this organization a good place for a learning opportunity? Why or why not?

If your professional network expanded since interning with this company.

Add references from related academic subject areas. Use proper APA citations. This writing assignment must contain at least two (2) citations from a source in support of your assertions, assumptions, opinions, or conclusions. This may be from your textbook, a source from the LIRN library, or another credible, i.e., academic source.  Add a reference page that meets APA guidelines.

Log into IAU’s Online Library, LIRN, and access the digital library to familiarize yourself with the interface. Please contact ***************** if you have any problems.

In no more than 3 double-spaced pages,

Name the file studentID#-BUS646-Week5.

Email this Lesson’s writing assignment to the Writing Center (************) for feedback. Please provide the instructions above so the Writing Center is aware of the requirements.

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