Solved: The Impact of Stereotypes on Ethnic Identity Formation


Presentation/Video Reflection Assignment Guidelines
Due: Week 15, by the end of class time (check the syllabus and eLearn due date for the exact
● You are expected to deliver a presentation (video reflection) by recording a 10 to
15-minute video, presenting your perspective about a chosen topic, related to a chosen
unit from the course textbook.
● The reflection video is an online substitute for a presentation, supporting your
progress through enhancing transferable communication skills around synthesizing
and presenting information.
● Your videos will remain confidential and private, and they will not be seen or accessed
by anyone except me.
● You should take a video of yourself delivering a presentation about a chosen topic or
case study, and relate it to a unit from the course textbook and/or the syllabus. More
specific examples will be provided in the class.
● The length should not be shorter than 10 and longer than 15 minutes.
● The reflection should have a clear structure and clear components.
● You should submit the written script of your reflection together with the video.
● You should use powerpoint slides with your presentation.
Grading Criteria
This assignment is worth 30 percent (video presentation: 25 %, script: 5 %).
● Grading will not be based on the videography, but on the quality and content of your
work. However, make sure that your voice is clear and your mic is working properly.
● You should also make sure that your camera is working properly and your face is visible.
Think of this as a presentation that you are making in class – so you would dress such
and have a professionally proper setting while taking the video.
● Please check the rubric to see more information about grading criteria.

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