Module 9: Project Proposal


YOUR TASK: In this assessment, you will choose a topic to research, develop an effective research question related to that topic, and present possible sources you have found that will help you answer this question.   


  1. Complete each step below by responding to the prompts. There are three steps in total. Read the instructions carefully and respond directly in the text boxes provided.
  2. When completed, check your work and the grading rubric to make sure you have completed all aspects of the assignment.
  3. Upload to the submission folder. NOTE that all assignments will be submitted to Turnitin to check for academic integrity issues (which includes checking for the use of AI writing tools). You can upload your assignment before the due date to check the full Turnitin report. If necessary, make changes and upload the assignment again.

NOTE: The use of generative AI is prohibited for the writing of this assignment.  You can use these tools for help in brainstorming topics, but these tools should not be used to write any of your responses.

Step 1: Choosing and Narrowing a Topic 

Before you decide on a research question, you need to pick a topic that is related to your program of study and that is neither too BROAD nor too SPECIFIC. Fill out each section below to show the development of your topic.

What is the name of your program at Conestoga, and what field do you hope to work in after graduation?

Registered Practical Nursing. After I graduate I hope to get into the RN program and eventually get into either the NICU or delivery departments.

1a) Identify three relevant or contemporary issues/topics in your field? Write the topics here:

Nurse staffing and workloadEmotional toll of neonatal careProfessional development and training

1b) What topic or area (from question 1a above) is most interesting/appealing to you and why?  (Write 1-2 sentences):

Emotional toll of neonatal care is most interesting to me because I feel like it’s such a touchy topic and no one really talks about the emotional toll it takes on them. I don’t think the general public or even nurses family members really realize what they go through emotional and mentally.

1c) Narrow your topic:

To help develop an open-ended research question, take the specific area of interest you stated above (in question 1b) and brainstorm specific ideas (or keywords) about that topic. Think: What do you already know about the area of inquiry? What are important keywords about that topic?

Write at least 3 different ideas (keywords or phrases) here:


Step 2: Developing a Research Question

Research Question:

From the focused topic you chose in the previous section,create a single, focused   open-ended research question related to your topic.

2a) In one sentence, phrased as a question, present the question you intend to answer in your project, e.g. What are some of the reasons Canadians choose to purchase electric cars? 


2b) Why is this a worthy topic of investigation? What do you expect to find as you explore this question?

State in 1-2 sentences why this topic/question is relevant to your program of study/career goals and why it is a worthwhile topic of investigation.


Step 3: Finding Appropriate Information

In the space below, indicate 3 different sources of information you have found to answer your research question. You are not necessarily required to use these texts in your final project, but you need to demonstrate how and why they could be useful. Fill out each applicable element of the chart below.

You will be graded, in part, on your ability to identify at least three different source types. (NOTE: Depending on the source, some rows will be blank. For example, if you find an article from a website, there is no volume or issue number, so leave that row blank.)

Example Source Chart:

  Title of Source:How TikTok is Changing Pop Culture and the World
Author(s) of source:DW Newsdesk
Date of publication:April 28, 2021
Volume/issue # (Journal article only):none
Type of Source (newspaper, magazine, website article, journal article, TED talk, video, etc.)Online magazine
Source Publication:Digital Weekday
Source Access: How did you access the source (Library, website, print)? (paste URL if from a website; If the type of source is a Journal Article, record DOI.)
Relevance: In 1-2 sentences, write HOW this source will help you answer your question. WHY is it relevant?This source provides a short overview of the positive uses of social media use – specifically, the TikTok app. This provides everyday examples of how it can be used, which will help me answer my question.

Source #1:

  Title of Source: 
Author(s) of source: 
Date of publication: 
Volume/issue # (Journal article only): 
Type of Source (newspaper, magazine, website article, journal article, TED talk, video, etc.) 
Source Publication: 
Source Access: How did you access the source (Library, website, print)? (paste URL if from a website; If the type of source is a Journal Article, record DOI.) 
Relevance: In 1-2 sentences, write HOW this source will help you answer your question. WHY is it relevant? 

Source #2:

  Title of Source: 
Author(s) of source: 
Date of publication: 
Volume/issue # (Journal article only): 
Type of Source (newspaper, magazine, website article, journal article, TED talk, video, etc.) 
Source Publication: 
Source Access: How did you access the source (Library, website, print)? (paste URL if from a website; If the type of source is a Journal Article, record DOI.) 
Relevance: In 1-2 sentences, write HOW this source will help you answer your question. WHY is it relevant? 

Source #3:

  Title of Source: 
Author(s) of source: 
Date of publication: 
Volume/issue # (Journal article only): 
Type of Source (newspaper, magazine, website article, journal article, TED talk, video, etc.) 
Source Publication: 
Source Access: How did you access the source (Library, website, print)? (paste URL if from a website; If the type of source is a Journal Article, record DOI.) 
Relevance: In 1-2 sentences, write HOW this source will help you answer your question. WHY is it relevant? 

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