Tang Dynasty (Li Bai)



Module 3 Tang Dynasty Poets: Discussion # 6 Focus on Imagery: Du Fu, Wang Wei, Li Po (Bai) Tang Poetry Study Questions – Respond to one question or write on your own ideas on Imagery in one or two poems – you can compare two poets or focus on one. Be sure to include many quotes and examples with your posting and your peer responses 1. Are the any scenes or images charged with hidden significance? 2. Is there a visual unity of experience that ties the poem together? 3. Can you link any images? Find elements of sustained or unified images or symbols? 4. Are there any reversals, sudden changes, or contrasts in the imagery? 5. How does the poet give an old image or motif a new twist? 6. Do the shapes, boundaries or perspectives blur in some images? 7. Does the closing image contrast with earlier ones? 8. List as many contrasting images you can find. Are they in parallel couplets? 9. In parallel couplets, is there a juxtaposition of images that connect in some strange fashion? 10. Can you locate images that embody personification of the natural world?

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