Document Analysis Assignment 2




Follow the links below to read excerpts from Frederick Jackson Turner’s paper: ‘The Significance of the
Frontier in American History, 1893’, and Josiah Strong’s ‘Our Country’. Upon reading these documents,
write a one-page analysis of their work as it relates to American Imperialism, keeping the following
questions in mind.

What do each of these men think of the white race? What do they think about the nonwhite races? Do
these ideas seem reflective of American ideas about race at the time? Do they suggest that there are
any differences between Americans and Europeans? If so, what are those differences? Does religion play
a role in either man’s view of the world? How might Josiah Strong’s ideas contribute to American
Imperialism of the period? How might Frederick Jackson Turner’s work contribute to it? Do you think
that any of the ideas expressed in either excerpt still exist today?

Frederick Jackson Turner:

Josiah Strong:
The assignment is due 10/18/19 by the start of class.

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