Solved: Bus 375 Final term research paper



On the basis of order 6982712, write the content I requested to 4 pages (because it was a draft before). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time.

Let’s do the ‘U.K. Post Office Glitch that caused over 1000 wrongful convictions between 1999-2015’ topic for this project.

Please answer the questions below based on my linked article







• How could the glitch and issues have been prevented?

 o include examples and research from similar stories from other companies … what did other companies do for risk mitigation? 

o Use articles from IT companies that explain how it could have been prevented. 

• Is there a plan or actions being done to correct the wrongful convictions and Information System glitches?

 o Speak about the Post Office Exoneration Bill 

o See if there are any current lawsuits, pardons, or reparations that may have already been paid. 

• The U.K. Post office helped change the P.A.C.E. Explain what Section 69 of the 1984 Police and Criminal Evidence Act is. Could Section 69 of the P.A.C.E. be modified to prevent future wrongful convictions in similar cases in the U.K.? 

 o Is the law incompatible with the current Information System the Post Office is using? 

• Conclusion (Must explain “what we learned” according to the Course Outline)

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