SWOT Analysis




Look at the attached word document for the product we ae creating a marketing plan for, “Baby Bedside Sleeper”.  I need you to create a Swot Analysis (Page attached of what it is), and a 1-2 paragraph of a positioning statement of the product (Page attached of what it is).

For the Swot analysis, type the heading “Strengths” and then under the heading list 3-4 strengths that you can identify for the product. Proceed with this same format for weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Just a word of caution…when you identify these factors be sure you state them as a strength, weakness, opportunity or threat. For example, if you simply list “staff” under the weaknesses heading this is not clear. Why is “staff” a weakness? You have too many staff? Not enough staff? Uneducated staff? A better way to list “staff” as a weakness would be to say, “the company currently has limited staff to meet the future demand of this product.”

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