Solved: Strategic Management and Leadership


Coursework (Individual Report):

  1. Critically analyse contemporary theories and concepts and formulate a range of approaches and considerations for maintaining effective strategic management and leadership styles, in response to global business conditions including strategic renewal, international configuration and managing change.
  2. Critically review the significance of ethics, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, issues and leadership and stakeholders in shaping strategic management and leadership approaches and the formulation of global strategies.

Individual poster:

  • Critically evaluate business level, corporate level, international, level strategy, and leadership strategies, with critical evaluation of change and transformation processes in organisations.
  • Critically appraise and apply frameworks of strategic analysis and leadership strategy for operating in a changing global environment.

Please see the detailed marking scheme on pages 7 – 9.

Transferable skills

This assessment will assist in development of the following transferable skills:

Transferable Skill 1: Independence

  • You will be engaging with independent learning throughout the module in organising your own work/learning schedule. For example, seminar prep., watching online lectures and taking notes, completing online tasks, readings and locating external information relating to the course content. In addition, your assessment requires independently researching, presenting and answering questions about your chosen organisation.

Transferable Skill 2: Critical thinking and problem solving

  • You will learn to think critically about multiple contexts of Strategic Management and Leadership including scenarios which you may face as a Manager or Leader which will require you to solve problems within the workplace.

Transferable Skill 3: Teamwork

  • Each week you will take part in group discussions and activities. This will help you develop further the teamwork skills you have acquired throughout your course.

Transferable Skill 4: Communication

  • Each week you will be involved in group discussions and make independent contributions to in-class discussions. You will also have the opportunity to contribute to the module forums, asking and answering questions posed by your colleagues.

Transferable Skill 5: Ability to work under pressure

  • You will have deadlines for formative and summative assessment, and you will need to work consistently throughout the module to do well. This will mean you having to set your own schedule of work and keep to your own deadlines to meet the objectives of the module. As this is a wholly applied module, there is a pressure on you to develop a high standard of understanding as well as knowledge to meet the learning objectives of the module to a high standard.

Transferable Skill 6: Planning and time management

  • You will need to set your own schedule of independent work within your own timetable to enable you to fully engage with all elements of this module. You will do this via ensuring that you engage with the necessary readings, research and preparing for seminars, watching provided videos and external online resources, taking notes and organising your thoughts, and organising and scheduling your time.

Transferable Skill 7:  Leadership

  • Each week you will be offered the opportunity to take the lead in small group discussions, as well as being encouraged to make contributions to the class discussions through a critical lens. We will engage with topics that will challenge some views, you will learn to reflect on your own views and appreciate those of others, a key skill in good leadership.

Summative Assessment Overview:

The aim of this module is to introduce you to key strategic issues in management and leadership in a global context. This is done by practitioner analysis of the impact of globalisation on strategic management and leadership today and the relevance of core theories in management and leadership for global businesses. Through a project-based learning approach, this module seeks to bridge the gap between theories and the decision-making process of solving real, complex business problems in a global setting. You will also be encouraged to draw from your own managerial and leadership experiences and global awareness and prior learning from previous modules where applicable, in line with the overall course aims. A number of models, theories and perspectives of leadership are also explored including Leadership style and the relationship with situational factors such as the critical components of strategic leadership such as Leadership development, styles, motivations and competencies.

Moreover, a key outcome of the module is for you to develop as an independent, autonomous learner who can apply contemporary academic knowledge to real life organisations and industries. This is supported via weekly reading and a wealth of inbuilt online learning virtual learning environments e.g., global data sets, access to company profiles from the Chartered Management Institute’s resources, Moodle case studies and videos and global online research and global strategic planning management tools.

The core content will expose you to key theories and models of strategic management and leadership, with contemporary issues in doing business globally e.g., Socio-political and cultural issues, global economic and technological considerations, sustainability and corporate governance, legal and geopolitical issues, strategy formation process, strategic change, strategic innovation in the global context. In addition, leadership style and the relationship with situational factors; Critical components of strategic leadership; Leadership development, motivations and competencies.


There are two forms of assessment that will be used during the module.

  1. On a frequent basis, you will gain verbal ‘formative feedback’ from your lecturer and peers through the teamwork tasks, which will be derived to aid your learning. This feedback is not recorded against your student record but is to be used by you to improve your work further.
  2. Feedback for the final or ‘summative’ assessment will be the grade and feedback gained from your individual work that you will submit at the end of the module.

Individual Summative Assessment outline (3,000-words in total)

As an individual, you will construct electronically and submit a two-part assignment comprising of (i) an individual poster with recorded commentary (50% of the marks) and (ii) an individual report (1,500 words) – also 50% of the marks. Both elements need to be submitted by the submission dates set.

A1 Individual Poster – submitted online in Week 12 (LO3 & LO4)

For this element of the Assessment, you are to create a poster based on a large, multi-national organisation. By using your self-chosen organisation (AMAZON) critically evaluate their business level, corporate level, and international strategies. You will critically evaluate the change and / or transformation within your chosen organisation. This ‘change’ or ‘transformation’ will either be currently on-going or has been completed within the last 5 years. It is expected that one change model (e.g., Lewin’s 3-stage theory or Kotter’s 8 steps for transformational change or PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act)) be incorporated and applied to this transformation or change in this element of the assignment. In addition, as part of this poster you are to critically appraise and apply frameworks of strategic analysis and leadership strategy for operating in a changing global environment. Include;

  • STEEPLE analysis
  • Balanced score card
  • ⁠Rich picture
  • ⁠Carroll’s stakeholder orientation
  • ⁠Ansoff’s matrix
  • 30 references

Once complete you are to record a critical commentary on the content of your poster. This commentary should last no longer than 15 minutes. This voiceover should cover all on the elements of this poster presentation. You will submit this work (the Poster with the recording) online for your submission.

Include a title area on your Individual Poster, including:

the name of the assessment (Individual Poster), your name, your student id, module name (Strategic Management and Leadership), the module code (MAN7137), your Workshop Lecturer, the submission date and the word count used.

Individual Report – submitted online in Week 14 (LO1 & LO2)

This element of the assessment is a construction of 1,500-word report based on the organisation you have focused on in your poster presentation. For this part, you are to critically analyse contemporary theories and concepts to formulate a range of approaches and considerations for maintaining effective strategic management and leadership styles in response to changing global conditions. These should respond to aspects such as strategic renewal, international configuration and managing change within your chosen organisation. As part of this Report there should be a critical appraisal and application of frameworks of strategic analysis and leadership strategy for operating in your chosen organisation’s changing global environment – these should be included on the Poster, NOT in the Report.. As part of this response, you should critically review ethics, sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), issues for leadership and stakeholders to shape strategic management and leadership to formulate global strategies. Once you have chosen your multinational organisation you cannot change your focus company.

500 words each

It will be just 3 headings

  • Ethics in terms of leadership and stakeholder management in Amazon
  • Sustainability in terms of Boeing leadership and stakeholder management.
  • CSR in terms of Boeing leadership and stakeholder management

Both parts in the report need to be attempted to achieve a pass overall – you cannot pass this module by submitting less than the two specified elements.


Type of assessment: Individual Poster [50%]

LOs assessed: LO3 and LO4


Type of assessment: Indiviual Report [50%]

LOs assessed: LO1 and LO2


Marking is completed using the marking grid attached at the end of this Assessment brief. The detailed marking scheme identifies what percentage each LO contributes to the overall grade, and what percentage each marking criteria contributes to assessing the stated LO (out of 100%). For this module, each LO contributes 25% to the overall grade:

LO1: (100%). 100/4 = 25% contribution to module grade

LO2: (100%). 100/4 = 25% contribution to module grade

LO3: (100%). 100/4 = 25% contribution to module grade

LO4: (100%). 100/4 = 25% contribution to module grade

Penalties for late submission

At time of publication the rules regarding late submission of work are:

  • Assessments submitted up to 1 hour after the published deadline will receive no penalty.
  • Assessments submitted between one and 24 hours after the published deadline will be reduced by 5% of the actual mark given by the tutor.
  • Assessments submitted between 24 hours and five working days after the published deadline will be reduced by 10% of the actual mark given by the tutor.
  • Work submitted more than five working days after the published deadline will not be marked and the student will be deemed to have failed an attempt at the assessment.

If a student has a support statement specifying additional time to complete coursework, the penalties will only apply from the alternative deadline provided by the statement.

Importance of Taking Assessments

It is important that you complete your assessment, otherwise it is classed as a failed attempt (unless you have made a successful EC claim relating to Extenuating Circumstances).

If you fail any of your modules you will have to re-take it, although there are limits on the number of times that you can re-take and you may even have to re-study a module you have failed. Having to re-sit or re-study modules means that your workload will be increased and you will be putting yourself under more pressure.  You may even be liable to incur more fees if you are required to re-study a module.

The university does appreciate that there are times when you may be unable to take an assessment due to circumstances outside your control such as illness.  If this is the case you need to make a formal claim for an extension or deferral, as without this you are expected to submit within the standard guidelines.

No tutor, module leader or course leader can grant any form of extension to the published deadline – this is done by a separate team within the University to ensure consistency and fairness for all. For full guidance on what constitutes an exceptional circumstance and how to make a claim, please visit the Extenuating Circumstances page on iCity; you can also contact the Student Support Team for help.


  • You are reminded of the University’s Disciplinary Procedures that refer to plagiarism. A copy of the Disciplinary Procedure is available from iCity. Except where the assessment of an assignment is group based, the final piece of work that is submitted must be your own work. Close similarity between assignments is likely to lead to an investigation for cheating. You must also ensure that you acknowledge all sources you have used. Submissions that are considered to be the result of collusion or plagiarism will be dealt with under the University’s Disciplinary Procedures, and the penalty may involve the loss of academic credits. If you have any doubts about the extent to which you are allowed to collaborate with your colleagues, or the conventions for acknowledging the sources you have used, you should first of all consult module documentation and, if still unclear, your tutor.
  • Please note that submissions are run through Turnitin to check for plagiarism, this includes a ChatGP and AI detection software.

Additional information about electronic submission:

All work submitted electronically needs to be submitted in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • Submission means that a correctly formatted electronic copy has been submitted in the correct method via Moodle, by the deadline set. Failure to do so may result in a mark of zero being awarded.
  • Your work must be submitted via Moodle – please refer to the Module Moodle site for further details on where to upload your work.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that your work is successfully submitted. You will receive an email receipt confirming your submission.  Please check this and keep it for your reference.
  • Your assignment – the Individual Poster should be submitted as one (1) Microsoft PowerPoint slide. The Report and the seprate Assessment Coversheet and Feedback Forms (ACFF) be submitted using Microsoft Word.
  • Submissions using file formats other than those listed above may affect your work being marked, and the feedback you may receive.
  • The work you submit must not be password protected.
  • You must retain an electronic copy of your work. Failure to produce a copy on request will result in a mark of zero for the assessment task.
  • You can use the Turnitin at BCU Moodle page to learn more about software that assists in detecting collusion, AI and plagiarism. On this page you can upload a draft of your work to view a Turnitin Originality Report. 

All grades are subject to amendment following internal and external moderation


 0 – 39% Fail40 – 49% Fail50 – 59% Pass60 – 69% Strong Pass (merit)70 – 79% Very Strong Pass (distinction)80 – 100% Exceptionally Strong Pass (distinction)
LO 3 Mark: 25%Critically evaluate business level, corporate level, international, level strategy, and leadership strategies, with critical evaluation of change and transformation processes in organisations.
Student has shown no knowledge of the theories and their contribution to the understanding of leadership style and lacks understanding and evaluation of the theories that relate to management of change and how the leadership styles impact on organisational change. No poster submitted and / or no pre-recorded commentary included. No references used.Student has shown little or limited knowledge of the theories and their contribution to the understanding of leadership styles and lacks understanding and evaluation of the theories that relate to management of change and how the leadership styles impact on organisational change. A limited poster with no or limited pre-recorded commentary. Some errors on the references used.Student has shown some knowledge of the concepts and theories and their contribution to strategy and change, with some evaluation of change or transformation within the focus organisation. A designed poster. Some detail and / or elaboration in the pre-recorded commentary on the poster. Full and correct references used.Student has demonstrated knowledge of the concepts and theories and their contribution to strategy and change, with critical evaluation of change or transformation within the focus organisation. A well-designed poster. Detail and / or elaboration in the pre-recorded commentary on the poster. Full and correct references used.Student has clearly demonstrated knowledge of the concepts and theories and their contribution to strategy and change, with critical evaluation of change or transformation within the focus organisation. An effective poster. Detail and elaboration in the pre-recorded commentary on the poster. Full and correct references used.Student has very detailed and clearly demonstrated knowledge of the concepts and theories and their contribution to strategy and change, with critical evaluation of change or transformation within the focus organisation. An engaging and effective poster. Extensive detail and elaboration in the pre-recorded commentary on the poster. Full and correct references used.
LO 4 Mark: 25%Critically appraise and apply frameworks of strategic analysis and leadership strategy for operating in a changing global environment.  
Student has not demonstrated an understanding or appraisal of strategic analysis and / or leadership strategy. No demonstration of the application of frameworks in the changing global environment and not related to the specific sector in which the business operates. Very limited impact suggested on the approach and style of leadership needed to respond to these factors. No references used.Student has shown little understanding or appraisal of strategic analysis and / or leadership strategy. Simplistic demonstration of the application of frameworks in the changing global environment related to the specific sector in which the business operates and minimal impact on the approach and style of leadership needed to respond to these factors. Some errors on the references used.Student has a basic understanding and appraisal of strategic analysis and leadership strategy. Limited demonstration of the application of frameworks in the changing global environment related to the specific sector in which the business operates and their impact on the approach and style of leadership needed to respond to these factors. Full and correct references used.  Student has a good understanding and appraisal of strategic analysis and leadership strategy. Some demonstration of the application of frameworks in the changing global environment related to the specific sector in which the business operates and their impact on the approach and style of leadership needed to respond to these factors. Full and correct references used.Student has a good and detailed understanding and appraisal of strategic analysis and leadership strategy. Clear demonstration of the application of frameworks in the changing global environment related to the specific sector in which the business operates and their impact on the approach and style of leadership needed to respond to these factors. Full and correct references used.Student has demonstrated a good, extensive and detailed understanding and appraisal of strategic analysis and leadership strategy. Very clear and explicit demonstration of the application of frameworks in the changing global environment related to the specific sector in which the business operates and their impact on the approach and style of leadership needed to respond to these factors. Full and correct references used.
LO 1 Mark: 50%Critically analyse contemporary theories and concepts and formulate a range of approaches and considerations for maintaining effective strategic management and leadership styles, in response to global business conditions including strategic renewal, international configuration and managing change.
Student has not analysed or used or referenced contemporary theories and /or concepts to arrive at approaches of strategic and / or leadership styles. The global business conditions of strategic renewal, international configuration and change are not suggested or considered. No references used.Student has a limited analysis and application of contemporary theories and concepts to arrive at some approaches of strategic and leadership styles. The global business conditions of strategic renewal, international configuration and change are not considered. Some errors on the references used.Student has made some analysis and application of contemporary theories and concepts to arrive at some approaches to maintain strategic and leadership styles. The global business conditions of strategic renewal, international configuration and change are considered. Full and correct references used.Student has made some critical analysis and application of contemporary theories and concepts to arrive at approaches to maintain strategic and leadership styles. The global business conditions of strategic renewal, international configuration and managing change are considered and developed. Full and correct references used.Student has included detailed critical analysis and application of contemporary theories and concepts to arrive at approaches to maintain and consider effective strategic and leadership styles. The global business conditions of strategic renewal, international configuration and managing change are considered and developed in depth. Full and correct references used.Student has developed and included very detailed critical analysis and application of contemporary theories and concepts to arrive at approaches to maintain and consider effective strategic and leadership styles. The global business conditions of strategic renewal, international configuration and managing change are covered in depth and detail. Full and correct references used.
LO 2 Mark 25%:Critically review the significance of ethics, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, issues and leadership and stakeholders in shaping strategic management and leadership approaches and the formulation of global strategies.
Student has made no attempt to review the significance of ethics, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, issues, focusing on leadership and stakeholders. No suggestion of how to shape strategic management and / or the formulation of global strategies. No references used.Student has made limited attempt at a review and limited significance of ethics, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, issues, focusing on leadership and stakeholders. Limited suggestion of how to shape strategic management and the formulation of global strategies. Some errors on the references used.Student has made some review and some significance of ethics, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, issues, focusing on leadership and stakeholders to shape strategic management and the formulation of global strategies. Full and correct references used.Student has made some critical review and some significance of ethics, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, issues, focusing on leadership and stakeholders to shape strategic management and the formulation of global strategies. Full and correct references used.Student has made a critical review and some significance of ethics, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, issues, focusing on leadership and stakeholders to shape strategic management and the formulation of global strategies. Full and correct references used.Student has developed and created a critical review and significance of ethics, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, issues, focusing on leadership and stakeholders to shape strategic management and the formulation of global strategies. Full and correct references used.

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