Solved: Essentialism and Inequality


Paper 1 Assignment:

Write an essay that analyzes the positions primary sources take in relation to one of the following topics. Paper 2 will be a revised and expanded version of Paper 1 on the same topic.


  1. Civilization and Savagery. What do the primary sources represent as the best and most laudable achievements of human society and culture? Which people and personality traits are associated with this “civilization? What do the primary sources represent as backwards and horrible aspects of a given society and culture? Which cultures, peoples, and personality traits are associated with this “savagery”? To what extent do the primary sources reinforce and/or challenge contemporary hegemonic ideas about civilization and savagery?
  • National Identity. What positions do the primary sources take in relation to national identity (whether it be Spanish, British, or American identity)? What do they represent as true national values, and who counts as true patriots and members of the nation? Who and what are represented as threats to the nation? To what extent do the primary sources reinforce and/or challenge contemporary hegemonic ideas about the nation?
  • Progress. What do the primary sources represent as positive systematic change (or “progress”)? Who and what contributes to this progress, and what are its supposed rewards? Who does this progress benefit? Who and what do the primary sources represent as the impediments to progress? To what extent do the primary sources reinforce and/or challenge contemporary hegemonic ideas about progress?
  • Essentialism and Inequality. How do the primary sources represent systemic inequality, and what role does a supposedly “essential” trait (e.g., race, class, gender, or sexuality) play in this inequality? How is the “essential” trait represented, and what kinds of aptitudes, deficiencies, and behaviors are associated with the trait? According to the primary sources, why does the trait justify (or not justify) systemic inequality? To what extent do the primary sources reinforce and/or challenge contemporary hegemonic ideas about the trait?

Paper 1 guidelines:

  • The paper must be a minimum of 1,250 words. This word count does not include your works cited page.
  • The paper must make significant use of at least three scholarly sources assigned for class.
    • The first body paragraph must be a literature review of scholarship that establishes the concepts and historical context you will need to analyze your primary sources.
    • The literature review must begin by defining a large concept such as hegemony or ideology before moving to specific instances of these larger ideas.
  • The paper must analyze at least three primary sources assigned for class.
  • Your primary sources must represent at least two distinct disciplines (e.g., history, literary studies, film studies, biology, etc.).
  • The primary sources must be discussed in historical order from the oldest to the most recent.
  • Put your name, the assignment, and the page number in a single-spaced header.
  • The rest of the paper must be double-spaced.
  • There is no conclusion paragraph for this paper.

PRIMARY SOURCES assigned for this class (analyze at least three from two different disciplines)

Columbus, “The Diary of Christopher Columbus”1492History
Las Casas, “The Devastation of the Indies”1542History
Walker, Appeal1830History/Poli Sci
Darwin, Voyage of the Beagle1839Natural Science
Douglass, “The Meaning of the Fourth of July for the Negro”1852Literature/ Poli Sci
Brown, “John Brown’s Last Speech”1859History
Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl1861Literature
Griffith, Birth of a Nation1915Media Studies
Star Trek, “The Omega Glory”1968Media Studies
Schoolhouse Rock, “Elbow Room”1976Media Studies
Davidson, American Nation2000Education
Hart, History Alive!2005Education
White, Our Nation2006Education
Takei, They Called Us Enemy1940s/2010sLiterature

SCHOLARLY SOURCES assigned for this class (use at least three)

Scholarly SourceDiscipline
Storey, Introduction to Cultural TheoryLiterature
Hall, “The Whites of Their Eyes”Media Studies
Sharp, “Scientific Masculinity and Its Discontents”History of Science
Sharp, Savage Perils chapter 6History/Literature
Loewen, Lies introductionEducation/History
Loewen, Lies chapter 1Education/History
Loewen, Lies chapter 2Education/History
Loewen, Lies chapter 4Education/History
Loewen, Lies chapter 5Education/History

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