Assignment: Professional Reflection – Management Communication Skills




For this week’s Professional Reflection, you will review the various types of communications managers must be prepared to make. and examine the various communication modes available to you, as well as what things you would need to consider to ensure that your message is received as intended.
To complete the Professional Reflection Assignment, compose a cohesive document that addresses the following:
• As a manager, specify what you will do to avoid miscommunications in email, text messages, phone conversations, face-to-face Discussions, and correspondence. Include the following:
o A description of a scenario in which you have one chance to get an important message communicated.
o A summary of the specific steps that you would take to make sure your audience completely understands your message.

  o What will you integrate into your future communications and why.
• Assess your own strengths and weaknesses as a communicator, including:
o What you think your greatest strengths are (as a communicator) and provide some examples. Think about times when you were good at communicating your intended message, and explain those circumstances.
o What do you think your weaknesses are, as a communicator? Think about times when your communications did not go as planned, and explain those circumstances.
o How will you capitalize on your strengths and mitigate any consequences of your weaknesses in order to avoid miscommunication? Be specific about the steps that you will take and provide examples that support your plans.
o As a manager, based on what you have learned this week, how will you inspire or develop others so they can likewise ensure that their communications are received as intended?
o As a manager, how will you ensure that your employees communicate effectively with you? With each other? With external stakeholders?
o What will you watch for or do to ensure that you understand what is communicated to you from your staff, colleagues, and upper management?
• What specific steps will you take to prepare when you need to communicate important or difficult information?
o What are the most important considerations that you need to make in preparing for the communication?
o How do you think your preparation will impact your success in communicating your message effectively?

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