Unit 8 final
Select, research and compare TWO early childhood curriculum models of your choice. Use at least 2 high quality journal, textbook or other scientifically-based, scholarly research articles.
- Compare the models. What do you think makes them similar? What makesthem different? Why might you use one model instead of the other?
- For both models, select and respond to two of the following:
- Historicaland current perspective(e.g., where is it being usedtoday)
- Alignment with NAEYC’s principle of developmentally appropriatepractices
- Methods for inclusion of students with disabilities and modifications forEnglish LanguageLearners
- Examples of at least two precise teaching strategies that are clear andresearch-based
- How the curriculum content is taught explicitly and content areas areintegrated?
- How the curriculum’s implementation insures a mix of child-guided and adult-guided activities?
- Research-based evidence of the model’s benefits for ALLchildren
To help you understand the purpose of this assignment, read the following article.
Dodge, D.T. (2009. Early childhood curriculum models: Why, what and how programs use them. Child Care Information Exchange.Retrieved
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