childhood curriculum models




Unit 8 final


Select, research and compare TWO early childhood curriculum models of your choice. Use at least 2 high quality journal, textbook or other scientifically-based, scholarly research articles.

  1. Compare the models.  What do you think makes them similar? What makesthem different? Why might you use one model instead of the other?
  2. For both models, select and respond to two of the following:
  3. Historicaland current perspective(e.g., where is it being usedtoday)
  4. Alignment with NAEYC’s principle of developmentally appropriatepractices
  5. Methods for inclusion of students with disabilities and modifications forEnglish LanguageLearners
  6. Examples of at least two precise teaching strategies that are clear andresearch-based
  7. How the curriculum content is taught explicitly and content areas areintegrated?
  8. How the curriculum’s implementation insures a mix of child-guided and adult-guided activities?
  9. Research-based evidence of the model’s benefits for ALLchildren

To help you understand the purpose of this assignment, read the following article.

Dodge, D.T. (2009. Early childhood curriculum models:  Why, what and how programs use them.  Child Care Information Exchange.Retrieved



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