Case Analysis: Burdens and the Free Exercise Clause Assignment



You will research and write a case analysis, in which they will apply the concepts from the reading and presentations found in the assigned Module: Week, to a contemporary legal issue.  In doing so, students will have to answer the assigned prompts and choose a relevant legal issue for the sake of meaningful analysis and application.


Choose a contemporary legal issue related to religious liberty and apply concepts from the required reading and presentations by discussing the following prompts:

  • In light of the tests the court applies when the state’s action is a direct burden and indirect burden on the freedom to exercise one’s religious convictions, determine whether either type of burden exists in the chosen legal scenario.
  • Apply the founders’ intent regarding the Free Exercise Clause to determine whether the clause is being affirmed or undermined in the chosen legal scenario.
  • Conclude with recommendations based upon the above requirements to resolve the legal issue.


  • 3-5 double-spaced pages of content, not counting the title page or reference.
  • 12-point font in Times New Roman or a related font
  • APA format

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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