Middle adulthood




Human Development Project(150 points)due Before/On 10/22at Midnight.
A written assignment is required not only to enhance your learning opportunities in Psychology, but to utilize and improve your writing skills. The ability to communicate in written form will serve you in your future academic work, increase your career marketability, and hopefully enhance your chances of survival in an increasingly complex society. It is hoped that this written assignment will broaden your exposure to, arouse your interest in, and increase your knowledge of psychology. The library staff is available and most willing to work with you to learn how to access information and material.
Choose one of these two options for you project:

1-General research: physical and /or, cognitive and/or, psychological and/or, personality, and/orsocialdevelopment (one or more characteristics) during one of the following stages (you can use our textbook as one of your resources):

Middle Adulthood
Late Adulthood

2-Comparison study: by conducting observations of a subject (should be an adult in his/her Middle, Late adulthood, or Ending stage) for one or all developmental characteristics for that specific developmental period (Physical, cognitive, and/or socioemotional development). Then you compare your results with a well-known human developmental model or theories to explain your results.

Please make sure to include a global component in your research paper such as adding an example of what happen in another country related to your topic. For example, the way individual deal with the end of their life in different cultures, and different countries, or the role of elderly in the family dynamic of different countries. Your personal experiences could be included in conclusion/discussion section.

Creativity is encouraged in completing this project. You are asked to write 5 to 6 pages typed double spaced research/reaction paper with a reference section of 4 resources or more worth up to 150 points.

You need to include also your reflection, diversity factors in your paper.
APA format is required. For your citation you can use the following link from CCBC library webpage:

Encyclopedias are NOT acceptable resources for a College level research paper. Using only internet sources is NOT acceptable but you could get electronic version of scientific, reliable resources.

Whenever you present information that is not your own idea or that has been taken directly from a reference, you must provide a citation for your source and list your references in a bibliography.

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