Solved: Questions for Discussion and Revi


  1. What does it mean for a firm to have a sustainable competitive
    advantage? What is the best way for a firm to achieve this in business
  2. Outline the resource perspective. Identify a firm and its core
    competency: How does that competency meet the three tests proposed
    by Prahalad and Hamel that define it as a source of sustainable
    competitive advantage for the firm?
  3. Conduct a five forces analysis of the social media industry. Where do
    we, the public who use social media products, fit? Are we consumers
    or suppliers (or its workers)?
    We often think of ourselves as consumers of Facebook, Google,
    Instagram and other Internet services. In reality, we are also their
    suppliers—or more accurately, their workers.
  4. What is the difference between a business-level strategy based on low
    cost and a business-level strategy based on differentiation? How do
    these different strategies affect a firm’s CSR Threshold?
  5. If you were CEO of a firm, how would you apply a CSR Filter—what
    form might it take? Can you think of a company that is successfully
    utilizing a CSR Filter today?

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