The debate on vaccinations: Should the choice be up to the parent if children should be vaccinated




You are to write a 650 word essay with sources. •Your topic is a legal problem that you believe confronts society today and that was covered in our textbook chapters. •Your essay should include the facts, and most importantly your essay should include your personal legal analysis. •The essay needs to be typed in Microsoft word and your sources need to be cited in either MLA,APA,or Legal Citation format. •You will prepare an index card with a paragraph describing your essay to be reviewed by the instructor • Upload your essay The thesis statement names the topic of the essay and outlines the main points to be discussed. All supportive facts and statistics are reported accurately. All of the evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the author’s position. Includes 3 or more pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, real-life experiences) that support the position statement. The writer anticipates the reader’s concerns, biases or arguments and has provided at least 1 counter-argument. All sentences are well-constructed with varied structure. Author makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. All sources used for quotes, statistics and facts are credible and cited correctly. The conclusion is strong and leaves the reader solidly understanding the writer’s position. Effective restatement of the position statement begins the closing paragraph.

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