Informative Speech Guidelines





  1. Speech must be 2-4 minutes. Under 2 minutes and over 4 minutes -10 points
  2. Must have a useful PowerPoint with a minimum of 3 slides. -10 points per slide

 -25 if no PowerPoint

  1. Must orally cite at least 3 sources during the speech. -30 points if not cited orally.
  2. You may only use up to 5 notecards for the speech. No papers or notes are allowed. ONLY NOTECARDS. -30 points penalty if notecards are not utilized.
  3. You must be dressed in Professional Business attire. -30 points not dressed in Business Attire.
  4. You must have an outline. It must be 12-point font, APA format, double spaced, typed. -60 points no outline.
  5. Outline must be grammar correct. Points will be deducted for misspelled words, improper subject/verb agreement, misplaced and/or misuse of punctuation marks. -40 points
  6. You must have a works cited page with a minimum of three sources. Only one source can be .com. Use scholarly journals, newspapers, magazine articles. Also .edu or .org. ENCYCLOPEDIA, DICTIONARY and WIKIPEDIA ARE NOT SOURCES. –50 points improper citations.
  7. Vocalized pauses –10 points after 3 and every 3 pauses after is -10 points.
  8. You must have a proper introduction. -20 points
  9. You must have a proper conclusion. Do not say:  that’s about it…. that’s all I got…etc. -25 points




  1. General Purpose: To inform.


  1. Specific Purpose: To inform my audience…..(A declarative statement telling the listeners what you want them to understand, know or believe by the end of your presentation)


  • Introduction: Attention getter. Introduce topic and specific purpose. Establish credibility Relate topic to audience. PREVIEW MAIN POINTS


  1. Body: Must include 3 main points in body
  2. Main Point
  3. Define
  4. Supporting Example
  5. Transition (any word or phrase that helps guide the listener from one point to the next.

(Cite )

  1. Main Point II
  2. Support
  3. Relevant Statistics
  4. Transition

III. Main Point III

  1. Support
  2. Support
  3. Transition
  4. Conclusion: Restate Specific purpose. Summarize main points MEMORABLE ENDING.


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