Midterm paper




Please choose one of the four questions below and write an essay (about 500 – 800 words) on it. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO EXCEED THE WORD COUNT.

Deadline for the essay is March 1, 23.59 pm (midnight). Please submit the Midterm paper on Blackboard. Late submission will not be accepted.

Please specify above your essay your full name and student ID

Question 1: Please describe briefly, what does Benedict Anderson mean by „imagined communities“. Why is it according to him „imagined“? Furthermore, delineate the effects the introduction of census, map and museum had on the colonialized states according to Anderson.

Question 2: In his book Orientalist (1978), Edward Said argues that the Orient is not a geographically defined category of place, but an idea, a form of imagining, invented in the West. Describe, what Said meant when he said that the Orient “was almost a European invention”? What is Orientalism according to him? How did it emerge? What were some of the stereotypes of Arabs and “orientals” that Said is describing? Who is and was “producing” this discourse?

Question 3: Nandita Sharma elaborates in the reading „Racism“ on the relationship between the idea of “race“ and the “nationhood historically. Please describe how according to her the idea of “race“ has changed in the 1980s? What is meant by “culture talk“?

Question 4: In the documentary „Forget Baghdad“ the interviewed protagonists describe the development in Iraq in the 1940s – 1960s, why they left the country and how they have been depicted as the „other“ in Israel. Try to relate the documentary to the readings and explain the role of the Nationalism as well as Orientalism in their life.

Please have in mind an essay/paper should have

  1. Introduction to the topic.
  2. Body. Discussion of the topic.
  3. Conclusion. Brief summary/conclusion
  4. List of references


Please analyze the question carefully to make sure you answer what is asked.

You cannot just write just your opinion. You must back everything you write with evidence (what other people have written).

If you include your own opinion, ideas, agreement, disagreement, you have to elaborate on it thoroughly and give evidence for it.

You must reference where you got your information from.

You are not allowed to copy other people’s work (plagiarism).

Feel free to include your own opinion, ideas, agreement, disagreement on the topic. Furthermore, you are welcome to use other sources in the essay, please make sure, that every source you cite is listed in your references.


For all information or ideas you got from another source, you have to provide a citation to acknowledge that the information came from somewhere else.

This information includes the author’s name, the title of the article or webpage, the page numbers (for printed material), the date on which the source was published, and the URL (for websites).

At the end of the paper/essay, you have to sum up all the sources you used in a list of references.

There are different citation styles. Please have a look at the webpage, how to do in text citations https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-2.html

  • In-text: (Said 1978, 9)
  • The reference list at the end: Said, Edward W.1978. Orientalism. New York: Pantheon Books

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