Case study summary




Using “Case Study_3”, write a case study summary, and include the following elements.

  • Background information (e.g., sociocultural factors, family mental health history, relationships, substance use history, early and current life stressors, goals, and coping skills)
  • Description of the Presenting Problem
  • Relevant current and past mental health symptoms
  • DSM-5 diagnosis (or diagnoses) with rationale and specifiers if appropriate (discuss which 
information from the case study was used to formulate your diagnosis).
  • Discussion of differential diagnoses (Was there another diagnosis that you considered? Explained why you did not assign that diagnosis).
  • Recommended interventions (also write how you will carry out or involve the significance others) and rationale (back up by evidence)


I have attached a sample piece (titled: Case study 1_final) for your reference.

Please use the powerpoint slides in pdf format to help you write. Make sure the content is accurate.

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