Solved: Current Event in Astronomy


 Every student must also complete a short assignment describing a current event in astronomy that has been discussed in the news.  The focus of this assignment is how your selected event has either reinforced prior hypotheses or understanding of the topic discussed OR how it has revised our understanding of the topic.  To complete this assignment successfully, you must have an understanding on the topic being discussed.  Please submit both your writing assignment and the news article you are discussing.  A minimum of 4 references are required (1- the news article; 3 on the topic prior to this article) which must be cited in your paper and in a works cited section at the end of the paper.  

You must use 11 or 12 pt font. Page length is based on full pages. Your paper must have a properly written works cited section at the end with your 4 references.  Each of these 4 references must be cited within the body of your paper.  In order to be successful in this assignment, you must 1) present your news article, 2) give a brief background on the topic 3) state whether this new discovery supports, revises, or refutes previous hypotheses on the topic you are discussing

Include soft copies of the references used

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