Solved: Movie Review 3


Movie Review 3

Full length, two pages double-spaced for each review. Each movie has different questions to answer. Do not provide your own synopsis of each film, and do not use outside synopses (plagiarism), such as IMDB, etc…

Citation Style/ Example

Run, Lola, Run Movie: 1) How much is a person expected to know? 2) If a person has no goal of “being a better person” how ethical do you think they’ll be? 3) What kinds of problems are there in ordinary assessments of what makes a “good employee” or a “competent person”? 4) What kinds of experiences are organized by business and society for the individual?

Mallrats Movie: (For Mallrats: List the total number of different businesses you see in the movie, and why it would be very difficult to ever fully get rid of that type of business including food courts). For the others, focus on the ways in which other institutions do what business does – but with very different ethical regulations and concerns. How are these like business? How are they different? Also, look at what occupations seem un-bannable – even if there’s no profit to be made.

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