Solved: Assignment: IT-6001 Module 5 – Global Outsourcing and IT Strategy Video Presentation


Objective: This assignment requires you to research the benefits and drawbacks of global IT outsourcing and analyze a specific company’s IT strategy. You will present your findings in a video presentation using PowerPoint, Google Slides, or another presentation medium.

Assignment Details:

  1. Research Component:
    • Research global IT outsourcing, focusing on both its benefits and drawbacks.
    • Select a company and research its IT strategy. Pay special attention to how outsourcing plays a role in their strategy. The company you select cannot be the one used for the final project. (DO NOT CHOOSE IBM
  2. Presentation Preparation:
    • Create a presentation using PowerPoint, Google Slides, or another similar tool.
    • Your presentation should include:
      • Introduction to global IT outsourcing.
      • Key benefits and drawbacks of global IT outsourcing.
      • Overview of the selected company’s IT strategy.
      • Analysis of how outsourcing impacts the company’s IT strategy.
      • Conclusion summarizing your findings.

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