Solved: Individual project presentation


This individual project is to assess key content from this course. In this assignment, you will be able to demonstrate your analytical skills and presentation skills by creating a video explaining your work. This is a great way for you to communicate the results of your data analysis and practice your communication and presentation skills.

1. You are to click on the individual presentation tab on Connect. 

2. You are to download the Excel file for this assignment to complete the problems. 

3. The workbook file has multiple worksheets. Each sheet tab has specific instructions, below is a summary of the tasks for each tab: 

    a. Click the INFO sheet and fill out your student information (name, ID, etc.)

    b. On the DATA sheet, there is a dataset that represents a subset of the House_Price data that are extracted from Zillow. This is found on Section 3.6 on page 88 of the ebook. You will work with the random sample provided to you on this tab.

    c. On the Q1 tab you will answer 1, 1a, and 1b (frequency and histogram) 

    d. On the Q2 tab you will answer part a and part b (scatterplot) 

    e. On the Q3 tab you will enter your Pivot table and column chart 

    f. On the Q4 tab you will answer Part a and Part b 

   g. On the Q5 tab you will answer all parts (multiple regression) 

4. The correct answers to the numerical questions are provided on the ANSWERS sheet. This is a guide to help you if you get stuck, but you must make sure that you show your supporting work to arrive at your responses and not simply enter the correct answers on the spaces provided. Keep in mind that you are expected to know how to complete the problems by the due date of the assignment.

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