Solved: AP Seminar Performance Task 2: Individual Research-Based Essay And Presentation



-Read and analyze the provided stimulus materials to identify thematic connections among the sources and possible areas for inquiry.
-Compose a research question of your own prompted by analysis of the stimulus materials.
Your question must relate to a theme that connects at least two of the stimulus materials.
-Gather information from a range of additional sources representing a variety of perspectives, including scholarly work.
-Analyze, evaluate, and select evidence. Interpret the evidence to develop a well-reasoned argument that answers the research question and conveys your perspective,
-Throughout your research, continually revisit and refine your original research question to ensure that the evidence you gather addresses your purpose and focus.
-Identify and evaluate opposing or alternate views and consider their implications and/or limitations as you develop resolutions, conclusions, or solutions to your research question.
Required Checkpoints
While you are working on your research for the IWA:
you will be required to submit evidence of the original sources that you have found and the perspectives and ideas you have found in your research.
-Compose a coherent, convincing and well-written argument in which you: Explain the significance or importance of your research question by situating it within a larger context.
- Establish a well-organized argument that links claims and evidence and leads to a specific and plausible conclusion, resolution or solution that addresses your research question.
Integrate at least one of the stimulus materials as part of your argument. For example as providing relevant context for the research question or as evidence to support relevant claims.)

-Evaluate different perspectives by considering objections to them, and their limitations and/or implications.
Include relevant evidence from credible sources to support your claims. You should include evidence from scholarly work.
Cite all sources that you have used, including the stimulus materials, and include a list of works cited or a bibliography.
-Use correct grammar and a style appropriate for an academic audience.
-Abide by the word limit (excluding footnoted citations, bibliography, and text)
– Abide by the AP SEMINAR PERFORMANCE TASK 2 SCORING GUIDELINES found online and in the PDF I attached
– IWA Should address 3 main lenses. Pick 3 on the list to explore. ( Can pick 1 lenses for example you can just pick historical, and not do political and historical)
• Cultural and social
• Political and historical
• Environmental
• Economic
• Scientific
• Ethical


-Need a draft by the 10, but can wait until the the 14th for a final draf- Please look up examples of IWA’s on college board to get a better understanding if needed. The layout and formatting of an IWA can be really confusing and peculiar.


– [ ] There are 5 lenses in IWA, only three needed. And those three should be explored deeper. I would concise those three down to the strongest lenses, that you can delve into better.
– [ ] Entire first paragraph needs to be redone. There is absolutely no need to rant on about what an AP performance task is. The first paragraph should show what is your research question? What are the possible lenses and involved perspectives that are in conversation or that debate this topic? How does this topic relate to the stimulus materials, how do they relate to each other, and how do they apply to today?
– [ ] No clear research question or argument. Should be something like “ These simultaneous developments beg the question: xyz…
– [ ] No need to state that there’s numerous perspective and no need to explain what you’re doing. Just do it. Dive straight into the lenses and themes. The more filler and rambling, the more words you waste, when you could be making the argument stronger.
– [ ] Need to explain argument more clearly in introduction and through essay. Thesis needs to be clearer as well.
– [ ] Each paragraph should focus on its own themes. There should be so intersection among lenses in body paragraphs.
– [ ] Should be utilizing sources more and stimulus packet. Look up AP Seminar performance task 2 IWA examples to help you build off of. Because there is way too much rambling in the essay rather than valuable information and data.
– [ ] Needs to align more with rubric.
– [ ] More perspectives need to me included.
– [ ] Should be no “ we” or “ I” This essay should be primarily informational based. Should be more “ this” “ the” “therefore” “thus”
– [ ] Needs to have more academic language and transitions between pieces of information


Needs to also have implications and limitations of potential solutions . This is something that can be easily looked up if you need a reference or example


– [ ] Essay isn’t following examples or rubric
– [ ] Introduction makes no sense to an Individual Written argument essay. Doesn[t introduce issue or build off of the last revision request. “ Entire first paragraph needs to be redone. There is absolutely no need to rant on about what an AP performance task is. The first paragraph should show what is your research question? What are the possible lenses and involved perspectives that are in conversation or that debate this topic? How does this topic relate to the stimulus materials, how do they relate to each other, and how do they apply to today?”
– [ ] Still writing so much about exploring perspectives and examining perspectives when there’s no point. There NO NEED to explain what your doing or the purpose. Simply just state the lease and delve into that lease deeper. Such a waste of words.
– [ ] Poor MLA Citation
– [ ] No need to write little sub paragraphs. Should just follow the outline given.
– [ ] Talks sooo much about the stimulus packet when that’s not the point. The point to to make an argument, defend it, and explain its limitations and possible implication
– [ ] Doesn’t follow outline whatsoever
– [ ] Many spelling errors
– [ ] Not enough data, statistics, quotes, or information to defend argument and its validity
– [ ] Should look up AP® Seminar Performance Task 2 Sample Student Responses and Scoring Commentary, and study format and layout. This essay goes against everything a proper IWA should be.
– [ ] No clear research question or argument. Should be something like “ These simultaneous developments beg the question: xyz…
– [ ] No need to state that there’s numerous perspective and no need to explain what you’re doing. Just do it. Dive straight into the lenses and themes. The more filler and rambling, the more words you waste, when you could be making the argument stronger.
– [ ] Need to explain argument more clearly in introduction and through essay. Thesis needs to be clearer as well.
– [ ] Each paragraph should focus on its own themes. There should be so intersection among lenses in body paragraphs.
– [ ] Should be utilizing sources more and stimulus packet. Look up AP Seminar performance task 2 IWA examples to help you build off of. Because there is way too much rambling in the essay rather than valuable information and data.
– [ ] Needs to align more with rubric.
– [ ] More perspectives need to me included.
– [ ] Should be no “ we” or “ I” This essay should be primarily informational based. Should be more “ this” “ the” “therefore” “thus”
– [ ] Needs to have more academic language and transitions between pieces of information
– [ ] Needs to add limitations and implications


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