FinTech Evolution




You must properly cite the article at the beginning of your review (author, date, article title, journal publication, pages, etc.).If you obtained a copy via Internet resources, provide explicit instructions on how to obtain the article via the Internet.
#1) Section 1 heading = “Original Work Statement”: Verify the review is original work prepared solely for this class by including the following statement: “I, (insert your name), verify that this article review is solely my own work and creation and it has been prepared solely for credit in this class.”
#2) Section 2 heading = “Article Citation”: provide a full & complete citation of the article being reviewed (author, date, article title, publication title, pages, etc.) and how/where article was accessed; Use APA or similar style.Do NOT copy a long list of information from Proquest or similar database.
#3) Section 3 heading = “Main Issue of Article” — clearly & succinctly summarize what the MAIN ISSUE of the article is, and the key points regarding that issue.Communicate a clear, simple, straight-forward message that your peers can follow and understand, and learn from.DO NOT “DATA DUMP.”
#4) Section 4 heading = “Relationship to Course” — clearly state how the article relates to this course : briefly discuss what sections, chapters, and/or concepts of this course are related to this article.
#5) Section 5 heading = “Personal Reflection and Comments” — your reaction or observations regarding the content.Indicate what you think of the content, its significance and implications, etc.

Approximately 3-4 double-spaced pages

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