


ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY of 1000 words (including your text only, not the bibliographic citations you will list).


The topic for your annotated bibliography is: Migration in archaeology and palaeoanthropology: models, methods and challenges.


An annotated bibliography is a list of citations – articles, books, or web content – of relevance to a selected topic. Each citation is followed by a brief critical and evaluative statement (the annotation) indicating the main themes, useful information, and perspectives of the author/s. Thus, you need to source (locate), read, and summarise the key issues for each article you list in your annotated bibliography. In this case, the bibliography should include approximately 15 citations, and the annotations should each be between 50-100 words, thus, the exact number of citations is dictated largely by the word count for text in the annotations, not including the bibliographic citations themselves. It is more useful for an annotated bibliography to focus on sources that are thematically, historically, or otherwise most relevant to the selected topic, and often these will be commonly cited by other research articles.


Further guidance on annotated bibliographies is provided by the following links. Note that this is general guidance only, and the assignment does not follow these guidelines exactly.







Suggested reading to get started (you need not use all or any of these, but this list includes some key recent and historical articles):


Anthony, D. W. 1990. Migration in Archeology: The baby and the bathwater. American Anthropologist 92 (4): 895-914.


Clark, G.A. 1994. Migration as an explanatory concept in Paleolithic Archaeology. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 1(4): 305-343.


Kuhn, S.L., Raichlen, D.A., Clark, A.E. 2016. What moves us? How mobility and movement are at the center of human evolution. Evolutionary Anthropology 25:86-97.


Skoglund, P., Mallick, S., Bortolini, M.C., Chennagiri, N., Hunemeier, T., Ptezl-Erler, M.L., Salzano, F. M., Patterson, N., Reich, D. 2015. Genetic evidence for two founding populations of the Americas. Nature 525:104-120.


NOTE: You are required to locate, read and evaluate additional articles for your annotated bibliography.



should be no more than 1000 words in length and follow the Harvard referencing system.


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