Formal Essay #2




Choose a topic from the following list:
1. Anything Covid 19 related.
2. Anything Climate Change related.
3. Anything related to politics.
4. Anything related to gender.
5. Anything related to Health Care.
6. Anything related to Higher Education.
These topics are WAY TOO BIG. You need to argue a very narrow sub-topic. You need
to choose a specific element from one of these topics to argue and turn that element
into a thesis statement. For example, I chose to argue that there should be a mandate
forcing primary schools to provide curriculum guidance to parents because Covid 19
closures have resulted in elementary schools abandoning their students’ educations. My
thesis statement is "School closures caused by Covid 19 have resulted in many
students experiencing abandonment by the educational system designed to serve them:
in the absence of face to face instruction, schools across the nation should be required
to provide organized skill-building materials for their students." I make a clear and very
specific claim.
Any topic you choose needs to have a similarly specialized piece that you intend to
argue. It should be something you are really interested in discussing, because unlike a
traditional research essay, this essay is primarily going to contextualize the relationship
your argument has to whatever topic you choose, but will primarily require you to
explain how and why you believe your argument to be the right one. If you choose
something personal, you’ll have a much easier time producing a quality piece of writing.
As to logistics, your essay needs to meet the following minimum requirements.
1. Essay applies MLA conventions for formatting (proper heading and page
numbers), in-text citations and Works Cited page.
2. Essay is at least five full pages in length (NOT including Works Cited page).
3. Essay includes a credible and coherent thesis statement.
4. Essay has a clear purpose which does not stray from the purpose claimed in the thesis
statement. Development is great, but essay should not switch topics midway through.
5. Resources discussed in the essay have been appropriately incorporated and are not leaned
upon too heavily.

Dr. Boice
English 1C
6. At some point, a counterargument is included and given proper respect.
7. Essay does not rely too heavily on summary or quotations and instead uses others’ ideas
to deepen their own thinking process and to make connections.
8. Synthesis has been achieved. Ideas presented in essay are coherent (original and others’),
but clearly demonstrate an imperative interconnectedness.

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