Complexity and Sustainability




All members are expected to read both articles. However, the Plowman article is the Main one that you will put a lot of energy into to brief the class. You will identify the complexity thinking which is represented in the Plowman article assigned to the team by the facilitator and be prepared to lead a discussion on that article.

The Chiles article, you need points and bullets to have to be able to speak up in a class discussion being briefed by another person.

Chiles, T., Meyer, A., and Hench, T. (2004). Organizational emergence: The origin and transformation
of Branson, Missouri’s musical theaters. Organization Science, 15 (5), pp. 499-519. DOI: 10.1287/orsc.1040.0095.

Plowman, L., Baker, T., Beck, T., Solansky, S., and Travis, D. (2007). Radical change accidentally: The
emergence and amplification of small change. Academy of Management Journal, 50 (3), pp. 515-543.

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