Somali Bantus




Your essay should be between 500-600 words.
All assignment submissions should be double spaced, 12-point font, with 1-inch margins. Use whatever citation style (i.e. Chicago, APA, MLA) that you are most familiar with for in-text citations and references; please be consistent.
Do a final read through before submission to proof and make any necessary edits. Please use spell check.
Prompt: According to Besteman, what types of barriers to local and national belonging do Somali Bantus face once resettled in the United States? Give three specific examples. In your discussion, identify how these barriers are related to U.S. ideologies about race, class, and/or nationality.
For sources, you can use any reliable online source. Make sure to also site from the book ” Making Refuge: Somali Bantu Refugees and Lewiston, Maine. ” There is no limit on how much sources to use but please use at least two.

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