Assignment: Essay/Problem Question
Word limit: 1750 words
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Answer ONE of the following questions
Question 1
Although the principle of subsidiarity serves as a tool for scrutinising the exercise of powers by the EU, its effectiveness remains a subject of debate. Critically examine this statement.
Question 2
Critically evaluate the significance of the primacy of EU law within the EU legal system and explore the various approaches to understanding and applying it.
Question 3
The argument supporting the CJEU’s strict approach in assessing the standing of non-privileged applicants to bring legal actions under Article 263 TFEU lacks merit. Critically discuss.
Question 4
Cassis de Dijon was a case that shaped the free movement of goods rules in the EU. It established the principle of the mutual recognition of product requirement rules. But it also recognised that Member States have powers to make product requirements rules of their own, which may result in some restrictions of the free movement of goods within the single market. Discuss.
Question 5
Critically analyse the impact of the CJEU’s interpretations of the term ‘worker’ within the context of Article 45 TFEU on the exercise of the EU citizens’ rights to free movement.
Question 6
“A member state’s internal taxation system falls completely outside the jurisdiction of the CJEU as member states have the legal capacity to set their tax rates at whichever level they see fit for their economy”. Discuss.