Case Study #3 – Gucci vs. LVMH




Please read and answer all questions for Case Study #3 – Gucci vs. LVMH. Also readLVMH vs Kering. For references use however many as you want. Thank you for working on this paper!


To complement the other materials and information gathered during the course.  Each case study will have a very specific focus that will engage conversations specific to a brand , retailer, and/or a specific behavior.  To bring current events to the forefront and at times identify changes that have occurred.


Required Reading:–lvmh

Please be sure to read the comments made by readers after the article.




  1. In your opinion, which brand has the greatest opportunity of increasing sales within the next 5 years? Fully explain and support your position with solid examples.
  2. What would have been the impact to the Luxury category if Gucci and LVMH had combined forces, provide two pros and two cons.
  3. How would you describe the differences, diversification, between Gucci/Kerring holdings vs. LVMH holdings?
  4. List the current holdings for each parent company, include their annual revenue.




Formatting:  Follow all formatting guidelines as explained in the syllabus.  Should you add additional readings they should be included on the reference page- following APA guidelines.  Remember that this is a formal business writing assignment therefore there should not be any “I” statements with the exception of the questions that leads with: in your opinion.

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